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Kid bullies classmate; the bully's parent says, 'if your kid can't handle it then you should put her in therapy.'

Kid bullies classmate; the bully's parent says, 'if your kid can't handle it then you should put her in therapy.'

I admit my kid can be a jerk at times, but I truly believe all middle schoolers can be.

Fun_Fill_731 says:

Earlier this year, he got in trouble for calling a girl (Sam) a suck-up. According to the school, my son teased Sam and this went on for about two weeks, and he got in major trouble for it. He faced a week of after-school detention and got grounded at home, along with a long conversation.

I also mentioned that if she wanted, I would be fine with him moving classes. So he moved classes, and they don’t interact at all. You would think the problem is solved, but no. I kept getting messages from the mother.

My son has class 8 hours in another room, and the school has told me that both kids are not interacting. I have confirmed this with both teachers; they aren’t even in the same lunch period.

It’s his birthday this weekend, and I sent out invites to his friends. I got a call this morning asking why her daughter wasn’t invited, and that she should be invited. That I need to make this right.

I had enough and told her my son doesn’t owe her kid anything, and if she can’t handle two weeks of being called a suck-up, then she needs therapy.

She called me a jerk, and I need an outside opinion. I know my son messed up, but seriously, they haven’t interacted in a few months since this happened at the beginning of the year.

OP responded to some comments:

ed_lv says:

NTA (Not the A%#hole) Why the f%#k would she expect an invitation, when your son had moved to a different class not to be around her? Just ignore her, and stop any interaction with her.

OP responded:

It was the mother that wanted that, Sam truly just seemed shy and I don’t think she has many friends. I seriously don’t understand why she keeps contacting me.

ed_lv responded:

Just stop talking to her mother, and tell you son to stay away from the girl. He was an AH, but as long as he leaves her alone that's the best for everyone.

OP responded:

He’s been away from her for months, I don’t know how much more away he could get.

Wishiwashome says

NTA The mother sounds truly odd. If your son has been an issue for her daughter, why would she want her daughter to go to the party? This makes zero sense. If her daughter were to have ANYONE slight her at the party, an imagined slight, your son would be blamed. No. This is simply ridiculous.

KkSquish17 asked:

It seems like there is some information missing. Why would Sam be invited? Were they friends in a prior year? Are they in the same social group, sports team, extracurricular activities? Is she dating a close friend of your son who is invited?

If your son isn't interacting with this girl at school are you certain they aren't interacting in another way (social media, online communities, extracurriculars, etc.) Personally I'd ask my son what is going on and see if he has any explanations, then confront the other parent about their claims and get full details (when and where is this happening)

Regarding the birthday it's ABSOLUTELY bizarre that someone who asked your child to move classrooms is upset they aren't invited to a party, unless the info I asked for above gives some explanation of the relationship.

OP responded:

I don’t know why she wants Sam invited, they aren’t in anything together. No sport or club. Not dating anyone that I know of but she is 11/12 (6th grade).

Complex_Machine6189 asked:

Why is it expected, that your son and her daughter should interact? Dies it impede any work at school or essentially exclude her from activities in school or something?

OP says:

I guess she was excluded from the party but most of the class was so I have no idea why she is calling me about this. They don’t need to interact, the class is big enough that they could avoid eachother forever.

What do you thin? Should OP invite Sam?

Sources: Reddit
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