Okay, so this just happened, and I’m still in shock. I (25F) moved into a nice apartment a few months ago. It’s a great place: safe neighborhood, decent rent, and I even get along with my neighbors.
One of them, let’s call him Jake, is a super chill guy about my age. We’ve chatted a few times, and he’s just friendly. That’s it. Nothing romantic or weird. Yesterday, my mom came over for a visit. She took one look at Jake as he was leaving his apartment, and her whole demeanor changed.
She asked me, “Who’s that?” I told her he was my neighbor, and she immediately started grilling me: “Do you like him? Are you dating him? Are you sleeping with him??” I laughed and said, “No, Mom. He’s just my neighbor.” I thought that was the end of it. Nope.
This morning, she called me at 7 a.m. and said she had been thinking all night and decided I had to move. Why? Because “Jake is too attractive, and it’s only a matter of time before he seduces you and ruins your life.”
I was like, “What???” She went on a rant about how men like him “only have one thing on their minds” and how I was too naive to see it. I tried to tell her that Jake and I barely even talk, but she wasn’t having it.
Then she said—and I kid you not—“If you don’t move out by next month, I’ll have to come over and ‘take care of him’ myself.” WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? I told her she was being ridiculous and hung up. She blew up my phone with messages like, “You’re disrespecting me,” “I’m only trying to protect you,” and “You’ll thank me one day.”
And I blocked her number And went no contact because she does ridiculous s--t like this all the time, AITAH? (Also let me know if any of you want more stories)
TL;DR: Mom is weird about neighbor, got no contacted.
babylovejourney wrote:
Wow, your mom is really taking the whole 'keeping up with the Joneses' thing to a whole new level! Next, she'll be suggesting you move to a cave just to avoid any temptation.
OP responded:
Unironically she's suggested that I've moved out to the wilderness so kinda close.
Pandoratastic wrote:
This sounds like very controlling behavior. Is this your first time living away from your mother? Is this really about her trying to force you to live with her again?
OP responded:
No. I lived with her about 4 years.
Stormandsunshine wrote:
NTA, but maybe give your neighbor a heads up. I don't know what your mom is capable of, but if she potentially could do something crazy, maybe give him a chance to prepare with cameras or something.
omrmajeed wrote:
Ummm, sounds like your mom wants Jake for herself. Are you sure she hasnt bitten the cheating bug in her past? Because it is usually cheaters who make excuses for their actions by saying "I couldnt help it, he seduced me, it was just an impulsive mistake etc etc". Rest of the world knows how to control their libido.
babyaqua_ruby wrote:
Not gonna lie, your mom's giving off major "90s romcom villain who just wants to protect their inheritance*"* vibes. Like, what does she think Jake’s going to do? Walk out of his apartment shirtless in slow motion and you’ll spontaneously combust into feelings? Blocking her was probably the safest move... for Jake’s sake too.
I’m lowkey scared her version of "taking care of him" involves a casserole and ominous threats. Definitely NTA, but Jake better watch out for mysterious bake sale drop-offs.
Newgirlkat wrote:
🤣 I swear I made a HUUUUUH???! Sound when I read the part of "she'll take care of him" 🤣 is she mafioso? Is she planning to "seduce" him? 🤣 Do you think she'll be capable of going there and make a spectacle?
If the answer to the last question is yes, you may want to warn the neighbors about crazy lady may accost you outside or inside the building because she's crazy and such and such. If you have security in your building may need to tell them to deny access and still warn neighbors she may be lurking outside.
Disastrous-Nail-640 wrote:
NTA. What she calls being disrespectful is actually you being an adult. Remind her that you’re a grown a-- adult and didn’t ask for her opinion. Also let her know that you find it disrespectful and downright insulting that she thinks you’re too stupid to take care of yourself. You might also want to remind her that threatening people and ass-ulting them are illegal.
afterworld2772 wrote:
Your mum had an affair years ago and got pregnant. She had to give the baby up but managed to find out details later about what he looked like.
Your neighbour is that baby. Your mum is trying to get you to move so you don't actually fall for him and end up sleeping with your half brother.
Echomountain158 wrote:
She sounds deeply mentally ill. Personally, I'd warn the landlord or property manager that your mother is mentally unwell and that you have absolutely nothing to do with any behavior that might happen on her end. I'd also probably go to the police and speak with someone there leaving your address and her information.
I'd also leave her private information with the landlord/property manager in the event she tries to har-ss Jake so everyone has all the information they need to drag her ass to court if she wants to make a fool of herself.
Then tell her that you've done this, you aren't moving and if she does anything you will absolutely testify against her. Then put her in time out until she speaks with a therapist because she's a straight up Looney toon right now.