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'My mother-in-law stole my gift and I'm SUPER HURT.' AITA? 'Santa's gonna suck this year.'

'My mother-in-law stole my gift and I'm SUPER HURT.' AITA? 'Santa's gonna suck this year.'


"AITA? My mother-in-law stole my gift and I'm SUPER HURT?"

My mother in law of 15 years asked me to lunch and finish Christmas shopping, she wasn't sure what to get my 9yr old son. We met at the video game store; they were out of my suggestion; I told her of another game (I had already purchased for my son but planned on sending it back to make it easier on MIL).

Next store - I'm adding things to my cart for my kids; she is asking who they are for and PULLING THEM OUT OF MY CART INTO HERS. I nicely was like; "if you keep taking the stuff I'm gonna buy, Santa's gonna suck this year" she didn't seem to care.

As we are checking out I say I have to go to Best Buy next door and get my daughter her "big" gift from my husband and I; a camcorder. My MIL is a hoarder of casino-gained merch (if you know you know) and said "I have some at home, I think" and I was VERY clear in my response; thanks but no thanks...I'm excited to get this for her.

MIL shops alongside at Best Buy; stands at checkout to completion while we talk about how my daughter has this #1 on her list and I was excited to see her open it Christmas morning.

2 days go by; my daughter stays overnight at grandmas. When she came home she was SO EXCITED to tell me that brother has 7 presents under the tree, she has 6 and NANA GOT HER A VLOGGING CAMERA! "But we need your help with the memory card mom."

WHO DOES THAT?!? I texted her asking why in the world she would ever think that was ok, her response "it's a kids toy" AS IF THAT MATTERS!! And her husband; he "doesn't understand why I have an issue." AITA?!?!


I had never shopped with her before; the items she was removing from my cart were not make or break- more like I'm done shopping but I'm here in this store so I grabbed some little bonus Santa items.

It never came to mind she would gift the camera before me. never; even when she was taking from my cart. It just wasn't even an inkling of something to be wary of to me. Because who does that?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

CarryOk3080 said:

Nta. your MIL always like this? Why would you keep taking her to stores. Tell her nothing she is on an ice diet. You unfortunately let her by taking her with you if she is always like this...and the kids going a few days before xmas...well ya she was one upping you...did you not anticipate that? You have a husband problem. Do you normally get steamrolled by the 2?

ThisGirlIsFine said

I guess Dad can go figure out what the big present is gonna be for your daughter now.

SolitaryTeaParty said:

NTA, and I’d be concerned if I were you about how quick your husband is to brush off someone disrespecting and undermining you like that.

wishingforarainyday said:

NTA, but your husband and MIL are. I’d be so disgusted if my husband didn’t back me up when his mother was so obviously wrong. That’s foul. I’d call him out on it. Let him know this is a major problem.

otisandme said:

NTA, but your husband is. He should have put a stop to his mom being so rude and overbearing a long long time ago.

Same-Bid-703 said:

NTA...however some perspective, I just asked my 22 year old thier favorite present from thier 9th Christmas...they couldn't tell me. Xmas gifts don't really stick. Stop telling MIL what the kids want if you want to buy it.

overundermoneyline said:

NTA. This is ridiculous. When I was young my grandparents helped my parents buy a big gift that I really wanted and just was not in budget. It said it was from Santa. I knew what was up, we didn’t open Santa gifts at my grandparents house. But that was the story.

Not until after both of my grandparents passed away that they told me, even though I actually knew anyways. My grandfather pulling that big box from behind his chair was one of my favorite memories and it now it’s only more special.

Sources: Reddit
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