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'My roommate refuses to do any chores so I raised rent without telling him.' AITA?

'My roommate refuses to do any chores so I raised rent without telling him.' AITA?

"AITA? My roommate refuses to do any chores so I raised rent without telling him..."

My roommate refuses to do any chores in our apartment. Doesn’t clean, take out the trash, dishes or anything. We’ve split rent and utilities down the middle for the last year, but a few months ago he just stopped doing all chores with no explanation.

When I bring it up to him, he tells me that he doesn’t need to do them because I do a perfectly fine job on them. So I raised rent about $150 a month to contribute to this and he didn’t seem to care.

However, a mutual friend said that he was very upset with me about it but didn’t want to directly tell me. I would lower rent if he did chores, he’s upset I raised it but still doesn’t do anything. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Jdawn82 said:

NTA - He wants a maid, he needs to pay for one. Also, he’s getting off cheap. When I had someone coming over to clean for me, it was $260 a month and that was a low cost-of-living area.

SnooCheesecakes93 said:

NTA The fact that you ONLY raised it $150 is so nice he should be grateful. I would have raised it $300+. Be hella petty about it too, charge a broken agreement fee (for just stopping chores and refusing to start again) and a convenience fee...

(Because you have made his life much more convenient by doing ALL THE HOUSEHOLD TASKS, And basically being his mommy), an hourly fee (definitely on the higher end for a proper maid) and a biohazard fee for cleaning up bathrooms and sh$t after him (self explanatory).

CrimsonKnight_004 said:

ESH - He should absolutely contribute to the household, but this required a conversation. “Either you help out with chores, or I will be raising your rent as a cleaning charge.” Also, if you have the power to raise his rent, then is this apartment in your name? In that case, your other option would be to evict him and get a better roommate.

Jazzlike_Property692 said:

ESH. Uhhh I don't know where you live but you don't just get to raise the rent without telling your tenant ahead of time. There are laws against this. This sounds like a toxic living situation for both of you and someone needs to get out.

charlieprotag said:

NTA, I like the petty. You should have charged him more. On the boring adult responsibility side of things, if you actually want this to get solved you need to talk with him.

Tell him you're going to start charging him (a LEAST $300 a month to start) for in-house cleaning services unless he starts stepping up and being an adult. Legally, DO NOT call it rent. There are laws that protect people from arbitrary rent increases and it could turn into a whole thing.

wiserTyou said:

YTA - he's lazy, but what you're doing is illegal. If he's on the lease, you can't do anything. If you own the property this could open you to a world of hurt. If you're subletting off the books this could get messy very quickly. The laws are almost certainly on his side.

Sources: Reddit
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