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'AITA for yelling at my wife after she let $10k in stuff get stolen from my car?'

'AITA for yelling at my wife after she let $10k in stuff get stolen from my car?'

"AITA for yelling at my wife after she got my things stolen from my car?"

Single-Wear-8951 writes:

I (42M) am married to my wife (41F). I have a convertible, which I'm hesitant to let my wife drive because she has a really bad habit of leaving the top down when she parks and does whatever she needs to do.

So on Wednesday, my wife went to the grocery store and took my car for some reason. I couldn't really protest because I wasn't home. Well, she left the top down as usual. When she came back, most of the stuff I had in my car was gone:

I keep an emergency $2000 in my car just in case, they took my AirPods which I had left in there ($250) and headphones I was supposed to give to my daughter for her birthday ($550), jumper cables, my dash camera ($380), and some camera equipment ($7000+ I believe), so in all, $10,000+ worth of things.

I was absolutely pissed because that's all stuff I have to replace due to her negligence, and when she told me, I will admit my reaction was not kind. I said, "What the f%$k is wrong with you?" and asked her how hard it is to remember to put the top back up. She started to try and defend herself, but I didn't want to hear that either, so I just left.

Even as I type this, I'm still kind of upset, but not as upset. I have talked about it with her, but I can tell she's still a bit frustrated with me. AITA?

Here are the top comments:

itssonyaaa says:

INFO: did your wife know about what was in the car at the time, and have you explicitly told her to not drive it without permission?

OP responded:

Yes, and yes. We went to the lake the day before, hence the camera stuff, and the gift was just something I forgot was in there until I made this post.

CubanDave87 says:

Middle ground. Why would you leave that much stuff in your car? I’m cool with leaving money just in case but dude why not hide it really well? I understand getting mad at her but also that stuff shouldn’t have been there. The blame is 90/10.

FinalDaikon8214 says:

Everyone is saying he's the a&^#ole, but she took his car, and her negligence resulted in him losing things that, had she not left the house in his car that he didn't give her permission to take, would still be safe at home in the car. So no, he's not the a%^#ole. I'm literally going to get married next year, and I would NEVER take his car without asking, even 20 years into marriage, let alone a nice, fancy, expensive car.

What do you think?

Sources: AITA
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