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'My wife thinks my sister intentionally put her own initials on our wedding gift.' AITA? UPDATED

'My wife thinks my sister intentionally put her own initials on our wedding gift.' AITA? UPDATED


"My wife thinks my sister intentionally put her initials on the love couple figurine she gifted us on our wedding..."

My wife and I got married last week, and we got a really nice gift from my sister. It's a Llardo love couple figurine. However, when looking underneath it, we found the initials J and K inscribed on it with a love symbol between the letters.

My first name starts with a J and my last name starts with a K, and I think that was the reason for the initials because my wife would be getting my last name too. However, my wife's first name starts with an E, and my wife asked why wasn't the letter E inscribed, and why was the letter K inscribed instead.

My sister's first name starts with a K, and my wife thinks my sister intentionally put her initial on it. I initially thought my wife was joking, but she was really serious about it and wants me to speak to my sister about it. I really don't want to speak to my sister about this, and I think my wife is massively overreacting and has got it wrong. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Lizziebee-UK said:

Even if it is just your initials, it was a wedding gift to both of you! So even that reasoning is a little strange. Out of interest has your sister ever been with anyone with the initial J?

My thought would be have they given you a gift that was theirs originally. Either way, I'd be being a bit more on your wife's side whether you do speak to your sister or not. It should really be both of your initials on it if any were needed at all.

runninginorbit said:

Kind of YTA. Don’t think it’s a big deal to ask your sister, assuming you’re close with her. It could be as simple as just asking her what the initials mean without accusing her of anything.

The fact that you’re afraid to ask probably indicates either some level of fear of confirming your wife’s suspicions that something is afoot or you probably just panic at the thought of confrontation, but it’s not confrontational to just ask what’s up with the initials at the bottom.

writing_mm_romance said:

You're teaching your wife you won't stand up for her and have her back. That's a terrible way to start a marriage. YTA.

Hi__lau said:

YTA even if the initial K would stay for your last name, it shows that your sister doesn't respect your wife. The figurine represents only you, if you go with the last name theory or you and your sister, which is more likely. So no, your wife isn't overreacting, you are an ignorant...

LavenderKitty1 said:

Your wife isn’t overreacting. If it was a personalized gift for you both it should have had both of your initials. YTA for not understanding that.

Whyme0207 said:

YTA. Your wife is not overreacting. It’s a love couple figurine for your wedding, it should have both your initials. I think your wife is right, it’s intentional.


I called my sister this morning and asked her about it, and it does look like my wife was right but my sister’s intentions were anything but evil. My sister said she went to great lengths to inscribe the initial...

Iit was in fact her initial, but she did it because she because she gave it to me with love, and that years or decades down the road, in case I forgot who gave the figurine, I could always look underneath the figurine and figure it out.

I am, however, not sure how my wife will take this, I’m worried she’ll just want to return the figurine or give it back. This figurine is really romantic and expensive and it perfectly depicts my love for my wife.

Here's what top commenters had to say about the update:

1TiredPrsn said:

This is somehow worse…?

Medical-Analyst486 said:

It's weird to put your own initials on a WEDDING gift to a couple... A romantic gift. It's like putting your own name on someone else's birthday cake because you made it. Makes no sense. And if it's so meaningful why would you need her initials on it to remind you who gave it to you?

bowlofweetabix said:

Your sister put her own initial on a ROMANTIC WEDDDING GIFT and completely ignored your wife. Let that sink in.

OnionsnTomates said:

This is weird AF. I am extremely close with my siblings and never in a million years would I do this…what a slap in the face to your wife, tbh.

vega2306 said:

YTA. You said it was the initials with a love symbol between them. That’s not ok. Your sister is giving all kinds of possessive vibes and her excuse is weak as hell. Your wife is right to be upset and you aren’t upset enough.

Shichimi88 said:

Yta. Return the figure. Happy wife happy life. Your sis is ruining your marriage.

Sources: Reddit,Reddit
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