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New mom tells husband's aunt to 'get out NOW' for criticizing bond with cat; AITA?

New mom tells husband's aunt to 'get out NOW' for criticizing bond with cat; AITA?


While pets can be an important member of the family, when people start claiming that their dogs and cats are 'their children,' it can be a little awkward...

If claiming to be a 'dog mom,' makes you happy then there's no harm in proudly wearing the 'puppy parent' T-shirt, but what do you do when your family members starting criticizing your obsession with your fur-baby?

So, when a new mom decided to consult the moral compass of the internet otherwise known as Reddit's 'Am I the As*hole' about her cat, people were invested.

AITA (Am I the As*hole) for kicking my husband’s aunt out of the house for criticizing my bond with my cat after having a baby?

Hey everyone, I find myself in need of some judgment since my family is divided and I still think I’m not the Ah. I'm looking for your honest opinions to help me assess if I was in the wrong here.

I'm a woman in my late twenties, and I recently became a mother. I have been absolutely loving every aspect of motherhood. Alongside my newfound role as a mom, I have a cherished cat whom I have always shared a deep bond with. Even after the arrival of my baby, I have made it a point to continue involving my cat in our family life.

We still go on little walks together around the garden just the two of us, and I make sure to spend quality time snuggling and bonding with her. I also love how much my girl loves and cares for the baby.

During a visit from my husband’s family, his aunt decided to share their unsolicited opinion with me. It was kinda out of the blue. My cat is shy with people so she was in my room looking trough the window.

When she wants my attention she makes a particular “meow.' Husband told me and I went to check on her. After I came back his aunt started going on about how having a cat around my baby could potentially be dangerous and implied that I should shift my focus away from my cat. She said it was not natural and that I should just focus on the baby. A cat is a cat.

I told her to get out of my house NOW. She was astonished and I told her it is extremely rude to go to other people's houses, and starting to criticize how they live their lives especially when we we barely have a relationship. I have seen the woman three times in my life, one of them was the wedding.

She and her sister got out. My husband told me I was right but I was rude and I could have said that in a better way. My SIL, who was present, think I overreacted. I told my best friend and she’s with me but she’s also a cat lover so idk if it counts. So Reddit AITA?

Of course, the jury of internet strangers was ready to help out on this one. Here's what people had to say...

schoobydoo42 said:

I am going with ESH. Yes, your aunt was out of line for what she said. But immediately jumping to kick and her daughter out of your home because of it? Yeah, that was an overreaction. Has nothing to do with being a cat lover or not.

BiscottiLonely8913 said:

As a cat lover myself I have to go ESH, her remarks are uncalled for. You can love both your baby and your cat, and although the focus should be your newborn baby it does not mean you have to neglect spending time with a beloved pet.

However to immediately throw her out of your house instead of just asking her to keep her opinion to herself or something seems like a huge overreaction. I have to agree with your husband and SIL.

s1okke said:

ESH. Aunt was rude, but you escalated in an almost cartoonishly extreme way.

Wumamichl said:

Esh. Wasn't her place to criticize you, but I don't think it is a big deal. You on the other hand overreacted quite a lot. But looking at the relationship with your cat, your reaction isn't a surprise.

No_Scientist7086 said:

NTA - It’s exhausting dealing with elitists. Cats are my babies too and I have a grown human as well. They are his babies too. I mean, she wants you to throw your cat in a ditch bc she doesn’t like them?

AccidentZestyclose62 said:

NTA but tbh I would probably have just told her to mind her own business and just kick her out if it escalated. She’s wrong and I would imagine tbf you’d have needed to kick her out anyway because people that rude usually won’t take anyone standing up to them. But ideally, you could have let her prove herself that mean rather than risking her playing the martyr. Still NTA though!

PenPenLane said:

I’m going to go with NTA. People always offer unsolicited opinions and they will continue to do so on matters that they should mind their own business on bc they never get told anything.

I would tell anyone to gtfo out of my house if they commented anything adverse relating to my dog, especially if I didn’t solicit their opinion!

So, there you have it...

While the opinions were fairly divided here, most people concluded that everyone involved was somewhat in the wrong. While criticizing this new mother's connection to her cat was uncalled for, kicking your husband's aunt out of the house was also an extreme reaction. Good luck to this family at all future holidays...things are about the get awkward.

Sources: Reddit
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