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'AITA for not driving my gf to school because I didn’t want to lose my parking spot?'

'AITA for not driving my gf to school because I didn’t want to lose my parking spot?'


"AITA for not driving my gf to school because I didn’t want to lose my parking spot?"


My gf (24F) and I (23M) live in the city and finding parking is a nightmare. When we moved here I sold my car because I had to move both of our cars every week due to street sweeping. We kept her car because mine was manual and she couldn’t drive it, so we decided her’s was the better option.

Since we started dating (over 2 years now), I’ve been the one to drive us everywhere, so now that I sold my car, I’m typically the one driving hers around. Whenever we get a parking ticket or maintenance has to be done, I’m the one who takes care of it.

Now to get to the issue: her school is a 10 minute walk from our apartment, so most days she wakes up 30 minutes before she has to leave, and walks there. Today, I woke up and made her breakfast to go, but she asked me if I would take her to school so she could eat in the car.

I told her I really didn’t want to move the car since around the holidays our street is packed (comm ave for anyone who live in Boston) and finding parking can take 20-30 minutes on street sweeping days. She said it was fine and told me she would be late for class and would eat breakfast here.

For clarification, I made her a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich wrapped in parchment paper and put her coffee in a thermos so that she wouldn’t be late for class.

When she started eating she gave me the cold shoulder and when I asked why, she told me it was ridiculous that I wouldn’t take her to school over a parking spot. I told her she has never had to worry about parking so she doesn’t understand why I would prefer her to walk 10 minutes than me to drive 30 to find parking. AITA?

Edit for clarification:

It’s a sunny 61° day here in Boston. She can’t park on campus because she doesn’t have a permit to park. I don’t need the car, we live 2 minutes from the train station and it can get me anywhere I need to go.

She wouldn’t be late if she took the breakfast to go and ate it on the way, that’s why I wrapped everything up. The only reason she was late was because she stayed behind to eat and argue with me.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


NTA. Your GF is getting to live blithely unaware of the actual effort or costs associated with having a car in the city, because you're handling it all. Your preference not to lose a hard-to-find spot because she doesn't want to walk 10 min is pretty reasonable to me. If she wants to start taking 50-50 ownership of the car maybe your story would change.

Or maybe she could take the car to school and handle parking there and when she returns. Again, her perspective is primarily reflecting the fact that she doesn't have to handle the car headache, and it's annoying of her that she can't see your perspective, show some gratitude, or find empathy in what might be motivating you in this situation. She should grow up. Maybe stop making her breakfast.


Sometimes I have my husband drive me to the train station, a 10-minute walk away, because I cut it too close (oops), and it saves me maybe four minutes. He uses it as an opportunity to stop at the local coffee shop afterward, but we also have a driveway.

If we lived in the city and had to fight for parking when we live a 10-minute walk from my final destination and I asked him for a ride, he'd tell me to f off, and he'd be right. NTA.

That is absolutely ridiculous. The tossing of the sandwich and coffee was so out of line. Please stay firm with her on this. I've lived in big cities and fought for parking, and I'd rather attach leeches to my body for the day than do that again. (The parking part, not the city part. City living is great because of the walking.)


NTA. She's being a Particularly Pissy Passenger Princess. I imagine it's getting cold in Boston, and sure anybody would rather ride in the car for 5 minutes than walk for 10. But she wants you to be in the car for 30-40 minutes, first driving her then finding a parking spot? That's pure selfishness.

She dumped the breakfast to show her displeasure. No reason she couldn't eat while she walked, or saved the coffee for class. There was no "need" to eat breakfast in the car. She knows how to get to class on time. This was a test. And you can bet if you did it today, you'd be doing it all winter.


NTA. So you're pretty much her driver, you made her breakfast, and she threw it away cause she's mad at you for not wanting to spend 30 minutes in the car so she could avoid a 10 minute walk.... She sounds extra af.


OP woke up early and made GF a hot bfast, w/to-go coffee to boot. Any response other than "Thank you, I so appreciate this!" is rude. NTA.

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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