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'AITA for taking leaving home with my baby after my husband kept making jokes about my body?'

'AITA for taking leaving home with my baby after my husband kept making jokes about my body?'


"AITA for taking leaving home with my baby after my husband kept making jokes about my body?"

So, my husband started making indirect jokes about my body/shape ever since I gave birth to our son. At first, I didn't mind a silly joke here and there but it escalated, and he started doing in front of friends and family.

Last week, we were invited by his mom to celebrate at her home. He casually made an offensive joke about my body and that was the last straw for me. We got home and we started arguing. I recorded our conversation and this is how it went.

Me: Can we talk about what happened at dinner tonight?"

Him: (he was checking his phone, responding nonchalantly) "What’s there to talk about? It was just a joke."

Me: "A joke? You think making fun of my body in front of your family is funny? I’ve just had our baby, and I’m still adjusting to everything! Your comments hurt, you know that, right?"

Him: "Come on, it was just a little banter. Everyone laughed. Besides, if you had gotten the ‘husband's stitch’ like I suggested, maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal.”

Me: (I was staring at him in disbelief after this comment) “So now it’s my fault? I’m the one to blame for your insensitive jokes? Is that really how you feel?”

Him: “I’m just saying, things could be different. You chose not to do it. I thought you wanted to feel good again. It’s not like I’m trying to hurt you; I just want us to have a good physical life again."

After that we kept going back and forth and ended up taking the baby and moving out. He began complaining about how I took his son away from him, how I was punishing him using our son etc.

His family interjected and told me I can't do this to him. It's been days and he's still complaining about what I did, calling it overreaction and saying that I was "taking my frustration out on him."

Here's what commenters had to say about this one:

ExcellentAd7790 said:

NOPE. The husband stitch is a huge NOPE. Even if he wasn't awful about your body, that alone is divorce worthy. Don't go back. Block his family. NTA.

Muss_ich_bedenken said:

EVERYONE laughed. But you. That's insulting. Not funny. NTA.

JanetInSpain said:

"Just a joke" is the rallying cry of every bully on the planet. Then he makes a crass comment about the misogynist "husband stitch?" Your husband has been bullying you and you had every right to leave. Tell his family to f off. You are NTA.

GlitteringWing2112 said:

NTA. Eww. Throw that whole man out.

Alfred-Register7379 said:

NTA. Divorce him and his husband stitch. Plenty of men who don't mind being a father. PLEN-TY.

Melodic_Pattern175 said:

NTA. I can’t even. Block his family, get a lawyer, get your mind set on the future and how much healthier it will be without this guy.

Sources: Reddit
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