So my husband Cassian (30M) and I (28F) and I have been married for three years and am currently 30 weeks pregnant (will become relevant later). Cassian has never had a good relationship with his mum because she was very invasive when he was a kid and did a bunch of really crazy stuff to him.
Constantly accused him of doing drugs/having unprotected intimacy, drinking, and so much more. For example of severity, one time after she wrongly accused him of stealing her vodka. She pressed the lid of another bottle against his mouth and said something to the effect of "If you want it so much, then drink the whole bottle right now."
"Drink it." And tried to make him drink it (he left the house). She found the bottle later because she'd put it "somewhere safe." To clarify, all of these things were just wild accusations and its safe to say that he didn't have a good relationship with her in his childhood or adulthood.
He has an okay relationship with his dad - a lot better than his mum - and they talk at least once a month, but its very rare that he has contact with her now. I've met her once or twice.
His family tend to have these really big birthday parties (He has five brothers and an incredible amount of aunts/uncles/cousins) and there was one this weekend that we both went to for one of his uncles that he was close to growing up and still speaks to now.
He knew that his parents were going to be there, but figured with everyone else that was also going to be there that we could just avoid his mum or whatever worked. All was okay when we got there; we milled around for a bit and Cassian ended up going off to speak to one of his brothers and I was making my way over to go to see one of his aunts when I was stopped by his mum.
I thought she wasn't going to do anything at the party so we had a conversation and she asked me about how everything is, and then asked if she could touch the baby bump. I kind of laughed it off and said that I'd rather she didn't - because I'm not a big fan of people I don't know touching me lol.
She started getting pushy then, saying stuff like "I'm going to be this baby's grandmother" and "I have a right to know them and watch them grow up." She continued and said '" know that Cassian hates me but that's because he was always such a sensitive child."
To me, this was the point when I was just done with her and so I told her to f off. It just proves to me that she's not changed because she still doesn't admit to doing any wrong and treats mine and Cass' kid with the same entitlement that she treats him with. I said she had no right to see the baby and that if she hadn't gotten the clue by now, then she probably never will.
I know I could have been nicer about it but I was just done. Cass and I left and he's not really bothered by it at all but I know I could have dealt with it with more tact. AITA?
Regular_Boot_3540 said:
NTA. As long as you didn't make a big fuss at the party, there's no reason to pull your punches with her. She's never going to learn, and you're not going to welcome her into your life. She might as well know now.
AVeryBrownGirlNerd said:
NTA. Honestly, she was being pushy after you declined (and it sounds like you tried to be polite and friendly about it, at first). Yes, ideally not in a gathering, but she had it coming.
Personally, I would consider going LC and NC because it sounds like she would bulldoze her way into your lives, especially since she feels owed to be part of your child's life. It could be about power. Your husband is an adult man now, after all. Either way, she is an abusive person who has done incredibly disgusting things to Cassian and I have no sympathy for her.
cakemansham said:
As soon as you said 30 weeks pregnant - NTA. I think what some people forget is that you never have the “right” to see someone or be in their life. If she wanted to be in her grandchild’s life she should have considered making amends with Cass a LONG time ago.
mortefina said:
NTA. She has no respect for boundaries and you don't need to allow it.
KimB-booksncats-11 said:
You did better than I would have. I would have told her Cassian hates her because she was an abusive and cruel parent. Telling her to F off is much less combative. NTA. If your husband is cool with it no issues.
slendermanismydad said:
NTA. You handled that perfectly. I also hate people touching pregnant women. Leave them alone.
Ancient-Awareness115 said:
NTA, but I think she may genuinely not remember his childhood that way, I know that my mother doesn't she has rewritten history in her own head. No excuses though and you should only let her have access to yourself and child that you feel safe with.