I'm 28f and due to this drama, I feel like I've traveled back in time to HS. I dont necessarily feel like the AH in this equation but I've gotten some mixed opinions on it (I reached out on another social media forum under anonymous to get some unbiased feedback) and well, here I am.
So, I used to be friends with this kid in HS. His name was Alex and he was a grade below me. He dated my best friend for a good majority of our school years and there was nothing aside from a platonic friendship between the both of us. After I graduated we lost touch but continued to have eachother as friends on FB and Instagram.
The last time I spoke to Alex was a few years ago when my baby brother was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Alex was one of the few individuals who donated to my brothers GoFundMe page and it was, if I remember correctly, a pretty large amount of money that he selflessly handed over for a boy he didnt know.
Our last conversation was me thanking him for his generous donation and we spoke for maybe 5 minutes following the thank yous.
In the beginning of this year Alex started dating a girl named Heather. Keep in mind please that I have been in a steady and stable relationship for going on 4 years at this point. I was respectful, as I know a lot of people become jealous over nothing. So I didnt like any of his posts or reach out to him or anything of the sort.
He doesnt like any of my posts either on FB. However, his girlfriend reached out to me about a week ago and said "I dont feel comfortable with you being on Alex's FB. Delete him, please." When I asked her why, she stated "Its personal. I dont need to share why. Please just delete him so I can have a piece of mind."
I told her if she didnt have a good reason than no, I wouldnt delete him, as hes always been a good friend and as I said above, he helped my brother out tremendously with his donation which makes me have a huge amount of respect for him. She was livid. Called me promiscuous.
Said that I was deliberately making her uncomfortable because I'm nothing but an AH who "feeds off of people's insecurities." I blocked her. So the people I got feedback from are basically split 50/50. Some of them think I'm an AH and should just delete the guy off my FB to spare this girls feelings.
Others however think that I shouldnt because this guy and myself have never had anything to do with eachother aside from a friendship basis and taken into consideration his donation, it would make me look bad. AITA?
Badderestname said:
NTA absolutely. The girl's insecurities are her own problem, she has no right to come in and just decide she wants you off his fb friends list.
[deleted] said:
Standing up to an abuser, even if they aren't your abuser, never makes you an ahole. I would personally reach out to Alex and explain what has happened and tell him that this is a sign of emotional abuse. I would also discuss it with your partner. If I were your partner I would encourage you to reach out. NTA
And brownies671 said:
NTA. If she gets jealous, that's a problem between her and alex, not yours. If she truly feels uncomfortable of her bf having contact with another girl, she should've asked him to block you instead of you blocking him.
Hey all! Sorry, I was at work and didnt have time to respond to most of you. I did take your advice though and sent Alex screen shots of Heather's messages. I have asked him to kindly speak to Heather about the matter, which he was more than happy to do as he appeared to be mortified. Thus far I have not heard anything back.