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'AITA for refusing to take my boss’s dog home every night even though 'it’s just a temporary arrangement?''

'AITA for refusing to take my boss’s dog home every night even though 'it’s just a temporary arrangement?''

"AITA for refusing to take my boss’s dog home every night even though 'it’s just a temporary arrangement?'"

So I (29F) work as an admin assistant at a small company, and my boss, who we will call Greg (40M), is the type of guy who thinks “running things like a family” means he can do whatever he wants.

A few months ago, Greg adopted a golden retriever named Buddy. Buddy is great. Greg is not. Instead of, you know, adjusting his own life to accommodate his dog, he just started bringing Buddy to the office every day.

Which would be fine, except Greg does not actually watch him. Buddy is now a full-time employee. He roams around, eats people’s lunches, barks during client calls, and once peed on the office printer. Greg’s response? “Haha, classic Buddy.”

Anyway. Last week, Greg sent out a company-wide email saying he was looking for a volunteer to take Buddy home at night. Why, you ask? Because—get this—Greg’s apartment does not allow pets.

Apparently, for the past two weeks, my coworker Jessica had been taking Buddy home. Jessica is now moving out of state. Instead of, I don’t know, figuring out a normal solution, Greg just assumed someone else would take over.

I ignored the email, assuming someone higher up would shut this down. Nope. Instead, Greg calls me into his office and hits me with, “So when do you want to start taking Buddy home?”

Not would I like to. Not is this something I’d be willing to do. Just when. I laughed because I thought he was joking. He was not. When I said no, Greg sighed dramatically and went, “You have a house, right?”

Yes, Greg. I have a house. A house with two cats who would rather commit arson than share their space with a golden retriever. I told him that, and this man actually rolled his eyes and said, “Can’t you just keep them separate?”

At this point, I was done. I told him, “Greg, I am not taking home your dog.” He looked at me like I had personally murdered Buddy in front of him. He said he was “really disappointed” in my lack of teamwork and then started making vague comments about my “attitude” and how it “might affect my future here.”

And guess what? Some of my coworkers are actually on his side. One of them—who I assume wants to be promoted to Assistant to the Regional Dog-Sitter—said, “It wouldn’t be that hard,” and, “Jessica never complained.”

Meanwhile, Greg has started bringing Buddy over to my desk multiple times a day and saying things like, “He really likes you. You sure you won’t reconsider?” Buddy is now actively staring at me while I type this.

My fiancé thinks this is the dumbest thing he has ever heard and told me to start looking for a new job. But now my coworkers are acting like I kicked Buddy into oncoming traffic, and Greg is giving me disappointed dad vibes every time I walk into the break room. So, AITA? Or has my workplace completely lost its mind?

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP’s post:

Is that Greg's company? Does Greg have a boss? It's time to escalate this higher up. Greg is an ass and someone needs to call animal control and let them know about Greg and Buddy. He has no business having a dog with no place to keep the dog and an office is no place for a dog like retriever to spend his days.

HR. For sure.

But also 100% look for another job where everyone isn't insane.


"Jessica never complained" . . . no, she just moved out of state to get out of the situation.

NTA - I'm a dog lover, but your boss is ridiculous.

Some of my coworkers are actually on his side. One of them—who I assume wants to be promoted to Assistant to the Regional Dog-Sitter—said, “It wouldn’t be that hard,” and, “Jessica never complained.” Volunteer these people to do it.


Why aren't the coworkers taking his side, offering to take Buddy home?

I know nothing of laws in most countries but something about this seems illegal. In some way or another. I’d try and contact pet shelters or similar businesses in your area and report this as a case of neglect (or at least mistreatment) as this dog is not provided with a safe home or proper diet or proper exercise.

NTA and Greg has lost his mind. It is so far gone that he is now part of the Looney Tunes show. This is actually called harassment since you've said no more than once. Contact HR or the owners, and in writing, tell them the problem. If they end up firing you, you have something to take to an attorney. I would also take your fiancé's advice and look for something different.


Tell him since taking care of the dog is work related (your employment is even contingent on it) you'd have to stay clocked in for the entire time you have the dog.

NTA -and yes, your work place has gone insane. If Greg's Apt does not allow pets, Greg should not have GOTTEN a pet. Pet sitting is not what the COMPANY pays your for, it is not part of your job description. go directly to HR and point out to the Greg's inappropriate behavior and demands and make sure they understand the harm the company's reputation may suffer if he's allowed to continue.

He has alteady given you the basis for a law suit. He's threatened your career, and has gotten other people to harass you on his behalf. You already have grounds for a decent settlement. And let's point out its 2 women who have been pressured about sitting? l would consult an employment lawyer as you could get a lovely paid vacation out of this on the company's dime while job hunting.

So, what do you think of this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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