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Waiter lies about being a Jehovah's Witness, gets blacklisted by restaurant.

Waiter lies about being a Jehovah's Witness, gets blacklisted by restaurant.

When this waiter is fed up with their boss, they tell a lie and then question their actions on Reddit:

'AITA for lying to my boss about my religion?'

I 20m got a job at an upscale restaurant at my city owned by a father and his son managing. Now I have a lot of respect for this man but his son is an entitled little prick who was constantly making derogatory gay jokes to and about this one waiter as well as horribly misogynistic comments.

He constantly micromanages and refuses to accept any fault.

I hate when people sing happy birthday at a restaurant because I know anxiety is very common and no one really enjoys doing or receiving it so I always ask when people say they're celebrating a birthday if they'd like someone to sing. Sometimes they say yes other times they say no.

My boss completely ignored me when I said a young girl didn't want anyone to sing and tried to force me to do it anyway.

I refused and when he asked why I lied and said I was a jehovahs witness because I knew they couldn't legally force me to go against 'my' religion (I'm an atheist but that wouldn't have been good enough). He then got someone else to do it and when they were done I apologised privately to the girl, saying that I did what I could.

She had this pained look and said it was fine and that she appreciated the effort.

After that I was off the hook for any birthday or Christmas celebrations (much to the annoyance of my boss). Everything was fine until one of my coworkers that I thought was a good friend saw me drinking at another bar and ratted me out.

I was then fired for lying about my religion even though I pointed out that religious people don't always abide by their religion (Jews don't always eat kosher, Christians sometimes have premarital sex, etc.)

Everyone there including the friends I had made called me filthy names and the bosses son blacklisted me. I still maintain it was none of their business and stand on the principle I mentioned above. Am I the asshole?


eternalcharax writes:

You're TA for lying about your religion to avoid doing something you didn't want to do. It's none of their business what religion you are until you decide to use religion as an excuse.

densyear disagrees:

NTA. In fact, your religion or lack thereof is no one's business but your own. Depending on where you live, you may have a claim against them. I would talk to a lawyer to see if that is the case.

Also, these coworkers and boss' son sound like horrible AHs. If they turn on you like that over something like this, they are not worth having in your life.

toughad728 writes:

YTA because you're putting more work on your coworkers based on a lie.

'After that I was off the hook for any birthday or Christmas celebrations (much to the annoyance of my boss).'

So if you're getting off the hook, then who's picking up that extra part of the job? I'm guessing that if a coworker ratted on you for not really being a JW, then maybe it's because you're taking advantage of this and your coworkers are left with your work.

Hmmm...did OP take things too far? Thoughts?

Sources: Reddit
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