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'AITA for calling out on social media that my sister had an affair with my other sister's husband?'

'AITA for calling out on social media that my sister had an affair with my other sister's husband?'


"AITA for calling out on social media that my sister had an affair with my other sister's husband?"


Yeah, you read that correctly and not a Jerry Springer episode. I've changed the names to protect the family. Well, except for Becky and John because screw them. I (F49) have two older sisters. Becky (F55) and Denise (F56). Becky is married to Tom (M55) and Denise is married to John (M55).

Denise began to notice something may be going on when John wanted to do more activities with Becky and Tom. And when John bought several presents for Becky, like a ring she said she liked, a new recliner, and an expensive birthday dinner, just for starters. I could go on and on about the money he spent on her.

Then John started going to Becky's very, very early in the morning when Tom was at work to "walk the dog". Denise even caught John lying when he said he had to go to work early one day.

He was too stupid to turn off location services. Of course, Becky and John denied anything nefarious going on. Then there was the phone call where Denise overheard what John was saying to Becky one night.

You can guess what it was about so I will spare you the details. After that, all hell broke loose! John screamed at Denise who had to call the police because he was being so erratic. Tom was denying it too. Becky laid into the family after this.

She screamed at Denise and our mother saying, "There are two sides to every story!" and "We are not having an affair!". Becky even tried manipulating my son (25) into ignoring the obvious facts and believing her lies. That failed. He told her off in a beautifully written text. I was so proud.

She would post a lot of whining and memes on social media about her being the victim, how she's an orphan now because our mother stopped talking to her, and again how there are "two sides to every story". Now I will agree that there are always two sides, but Becky would NEVER provide her side.

Up to this point, I kept my mouth shut, although I knew I'd eventually blow. After a year of her crap, I just got so tired of the whining, her playing the victim and trying to get the family to turn against our mother and sister. I finally had enough.

My bestie encouraged me to do it because she was annoyed with Becky's ridiculous posts too. So, with the thumbs up from my sister and our mother, I took to social media and posted the truth...with receipts.

I learned Tom and Becky had separated and I had a screenshot of the address of Tom's new apartment that Denise and John convinced him to move into. I also had a screenshot of the new house Denise and John recently bought together, which even included Tom's signature because Becky and Tom were still married.

I invited Becky to please tell us her side of the story of having an affair with her sister's husband. I called her out for screaming at our mother and reminded her that if our father were still alive he would be disgusted with her too. I even tagged all of our family and mutual friends so they could see what was going on.

Of course, I received phone calls first, which I ignored. I wanted her response to be in the comments. In hind site I should have answered, recorded, and posted that too. What really pissed me off was Becky thinking she could manipulate my son (25), who is on the spectrum, by saying awful things to him.

Eventually, she finally responded in the comments saying terrible things about Denise, and still repeating that there are two sides to the story. For which friends and family beckoned her to explain...crickets. That was two years ago and she is still posting the "Oh woe is me, boo who” bs.

Some family were upset that I posted all of that. Somehow it disrespected my mother for all the world to see. Mom gave me the ok and I asked out of respect. So AITA for airing all the dirty laundry on social media?

Honestly, I do not regret it. For some context about Tom. He is truly on the spectrum. Lacks social skills, and social cues. Is oblivious to reading a room, and is completely gullible.


This is NOT AI generated. I messed 1 thing bc I'm using fake names. Context about Tom is to show how he could be so clueless about all this happening right under his nose. I wish this wasn't real. The torment my mother and sister has gone through is just messed up.

Here were the top rated comments from readers in response to the OP's post:


In the words of the Potato Queen....I beg your finest of pardons!?!? Wow! You are sooooo NTA. But Becky and John.... well....yeah! Damn! Bravo to you for putting these monsters on blast!


NTA - the truth hurts. It’s some thing that had to be done. Your sister is only upset because she got called out. some people just have to be the main character.


YTA This is the private business of family members. It is not fodder for tabloid serial social media posters such as yourself Would you want the shoe to be on your foot? Of course not These people are screw ups. Still doesn't give you the right to post such things.


Her lawyer done told her not to share her side of the story for when the divorce goes to court. That's why the crickets. But she has done wrong and feels ostracized and the need for sympathy and attention, so she can't help but post the 'woe is me'.


NTA but Becky and John are for sure. So after those 2 years is she still with her husband Tom while “diddling” John or where there separations happening, divorce proceedings taking place, please tell us cause this tea was just exquisite with subtle notes of petty😌☕️. And please lawd I hope Denise kicked Johns’ butt to the curb and so did Tom to Becky, poor guy😞

So, what do you think about this one? If you could give the OP any advice here, what would you tell them?

Sources: Reddit
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