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'AITA for storming out after my parents tried to have an intervention?' 'I am currently on the job hunt.'

'AITA for storming out after my parents tried to have an intervention?' 'I am currently on the job hunt.'

"AITA for storming out after my parents tried to have an intervention?"

I (24F) stormed out of the house and stayed with my boyfriend for a week after my parents tried to have an intervention. For some context I just recently graduated from college on August 16th and moved back home. I am currently on the job hunt. I have gotten a good amount of interviews but unfortunately the companies have not wanted to move forward.

This has been affecting my mental health a lot. But I don’t allow this to hinder my job search. I have been taking my time since out of college to job search and travel a bit. My dad thinks that I need a job immediately and that I need to stop traveling. My mom has been more lenient but now has been up my butt about getting a job.

They both want me to stay home and work part time till I find something. Which is completely fine and I actually have an interview tomorrow for a part time job for the mean time. The reason my parents got so upset was because I left to go see my long distance boyfriend. He lives exactly 2 hrs away which is not too bad.

During the time I’m visiting him I spend the majority of my day applying for jobs or doing research for jobs that want to interview me. I don’t see why this is such a problem because I would be doing the same thing if I stayed at home. My boyfriend is the only one who understands and calms me down when my parents upset me.

Both my parents were yelling at me before I left saying that I need a job immediately. They threatened to even take my car away. It’s not that I don’t want a job which I do very very much. But I just graduated college and I worked all throughout college which was exhausting. My younger sister (22F) who is also in college has never had to work and when she took a gap year she didn’t work during that time either.

Storming out during the intervention might have escalated the situation. I know important to address my parents concerns calmly and try to understand their perspective. Their insistence on me finding a job quickly is likely driven by worry and care, even if their approach feels harsh.

I guess I don’t understand why they are being so tough on me when my sister has done nothing but mooch off my parents and slack in school. Why can’t they turn their attention on her first? I really just wanted to take some time to relax and find a job that fits for me and pays well.

Right now I’m just ready to accept whichever marketing job offers me a position far away from home so I won’t have to come back. This all has been extremely stressful. Now my mom and dad won’t talk to me. I'm not sure if my actions are reasonable or not. Please help a girl out. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

MadJackRacham said:

NTA. Job hunting is a numbers game. Keep sending out résumés, including temporary positions (contract work). If you aren't getting interviews, go to one or more personnel directors and ask them what you're doing wrong. In my own not so terribly humble opinion your parents are, at best, slightly neurotic. Live with the boyfriend, ignore your parents, and find a job.

Due_Cranberry_1926 said:

So you have been out of college for three weeks, and they are already down your throat about getting a job? Which you have been trying to do, by the sounds of it. Can you live with your boyfriend while you are job searching? By the way, NTA.

sickofdriving007 said:

NTA. I know how it feels being fresh out of college (long time ago). Rather than part time work, try a temp agency. I had no idea what I wanted to do after I graduated but for me ended up (after a couple of temp jobs) in a temp to hire position which was the best decision I ever made.

shibadogdads said:

NTA. It's dated to think someone is going to find a job 2 weeks after graduating college. It can be months.

TheWeatherFanatic said:

NTA. Your parents are being harsh on you. You weren't overreacting. And the fact you did your schoolwork and your sister didn't, but the sister got all the support shows your parents are picking favorites. Set some strict boundaries with them if need be.

Actual-Hamster4692 said:

When I graduated I needed to support myself ASAP, so I got a job with a company that provides temporary workers. It lead to a full-time job with the company I was temping for. I don't know if that's something that's available in your field but it paid the bills for me when I needed it. NTA

Sources: Reddit
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