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'AITA for telling my friend I won’t support her wedding?' 'She cheated on her fiancé.'

'AITA for telling my friend I won’t support her wedding?' 'She cheated on her fiancé.'

"AITA for telling my friend I won’t support her wedding after she cheated on her fiancé?"

I have a close friend who recently got engaged. However, just a few weeks ago, I found out she cheated on her fiancé with someone from her office. When I confronted her about it, she admitted it and seemed remorseful, but she also said she planned to marry him anyway because “he deserves to be happy.”

I was shocked and hurt that she would consider going through with the wedding after betraying him. I told her I wouldn’t support the wedding and that I couldn’t be a part of it if she went ahead. She got really upset, saying I was being judgmental and that she needed my support during this tough time.

Now, she’s telling mutual friends about our conversation, and some of them think I’m being too harsh. I feel like I’m standing up for what’s right, but I’m worried I might be losing a friend over this. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

ChanceAd3606 said:

NTA. Why would you want to be friends with such a terrible person anyways? YWBTA if you didn't tell her fiance. The man deserves to know.

Detcord36 said:

Sooo, your friends are ok with cheating too? Might want to reconsider your friends. NTA.

Quabbitty said:

NTA- there is no excuse for cheating and her tough time she put herself in. I just feel bad for the guy who has no idea.

ItzMammad said:

NTA for sure. Cheating is unforgivable no matter what. You're doing what's right and you should be proud of yourself for that!

Ironyismylife28 said:

NTA, and you will lose a friend over it. But attending a wedding essentially means you support the union. You have information that does not allow you r to support the union, so it is right that you don't attend. You are not being harsh, you are standing by your morals and values. If others want to support her in her deception, that is on them.

womaninloveee said:

NTA. Cheating is never okay and it's understandable that you don't want to support a wedding built on lies. Your friend needs to face the consequences of her actions and it's not fair for her to expect you to stand by her and pretend everything is fine. Stick to your values and hopefully your friend will come to understand the gravity of her actions.

Sources: Reddit
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