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Wedding guest tells cranky friend to 'suck it up' about dry bar and vegetarian menu. AITA?

Wedding guest tells cranky friend to 'suck it up' about dry bar and vegetarian menu. AITA?

"AITA for telling my friend to suck it up when we went to a wedding without alcohol?"

So back in our college days, we were a group of four, Me, Ethan, Vivian and Jayesh (names are changed). Jayesh was indian and he had come to our college to study (actually,me and Jayesh were both foreigners who were here to study, I chose to settle down here).

Jayesh came from a very wealthy family, they have a very big jewelry business,from what I learned from jayesh, he was a native of the state rajasthan in india and people from that state are really famous for being involved in business and are ultra conservative (very religious, don't consume alcohol and meat etc).

Here is the where the story starts...we graduated about 4 years ago and were all busy in our lives but were still in touch with each other. As mentioned earlier, I too was a foreigner (from an eastern european country), but chose to settle in America, Jayesh went back to India.

One day Jayesh had us all on a call and informed us that he is getting married in india and invited us to the wedding, he offered all of us first class tickets to and from, the wedding took place in a five star hotel and the festivities lasted for a week, it was literally a free luxury vacation for us.

Jayesh informed us beforehand that alcohol and meat-based food won't be available in the wedding and we had no problem with that. When we arrived in India and reached the venue, we were overwhelmed, there was different dresscode for each time of each day, tailors available to personally stich the clothes for the guests, sight seeing tours of the city and what not.

Ethan seemed a bit miffed, during the 4th day, when his discontent was getting way more visible, I asked him what the issue was, he said that this wedding feels so crappy without alcohol and food feels incomplete without meat...

I told him that he was okay with it when the invitation was made and he can either suck it up and enjoy the wedding (it's not like the food was bad or anything,the food was great) or leave, which made him cranky for the entire trip.

When we returned, he told me that it was rude of me to tell him to suck it up and he was forced to get through a dry wedding for a week. I told him that if he was miffed about alcohol and meat amidst all that grand festivities that basically made the wedding a free vacation. There is some serious issue with him and he is acting very ungrateful. AITA for saying that?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

tatersprout said:

NTA. He does need to grow up and suck it up. He got a free weeks vacation in India. He wasn't banned from alcohol and meat for a week. He could have spent his own money outside the wedding and got those things. It sounds like he behaved like a toddler.

Savings_Orchid_7440 said:

Personally I think NTA. He was complaining about something that isn't a real issue, you pointed it out, he's pissed. That's on him.

EffableFornent said:

NTA. You were calling him out on his rudeness, not being rude yourself. He was acting like a compete child.

Mrs_Gracie2001 said:

NTA. I don’t know why people think they’re entitled to anything when coming as a guest.

scrunchie_one said:

NTA - If your friend can’t survive a luxury all-expense full service vacation without whining about the lack of booze he’s both an ingrate and an alcoholic.

Upbeat_Vanilla_7285 said:

NTA. If he can’t get through an event happy without alcohol, he has a problem!

Sources: Reddit
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