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Woman accommodates SEVERAL dietary restrictions for graduation party menu; 'I draw the line at my friend's GF. She's RIDICULOUS.' UPDATED

Woman accommodates SEVERAL dietary restrictions for graduation party menu; 'I draw the line at my friend's GF. She's RIDICULOUS.' UPDATED


"Friend’s entitled gf thinks she gets a special treatment because she’s “vegan."

I’m (F) organising my graduation party and I contacted a restaurant to have dinner with my friends and family.

One of my friends is bringing his gf too, which is not a problem, but she’s a handful. She’s vegan but eats seafood because fish don’t know they exist and I’m no one to judge someone’s choices, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the definition of vegan, but that’s another story.

I informed my guests that the restaurant will accommodate any food restrictions, which include my vegan guest and another friend who has celiac disease.

This entitled girl replied that everyone should accomodate her dietary restrictions and eat the seitan based plate she wanted to order (which is made of gluten, the protein you can’t have if you have celiac you know), I told her that she will be able to eat whatever she wants...

but that will apply to the other people with different diets, ESPECIALLY the one who can’t have seitan. Her reply was that my friend with celiac shouldn’t be accommodated because she’s just being a spoiled baby and not saving the planet like she is by eating vegan.

I respect vegan people very much and it’s a great choice for many different reasons but telling someone it’s better to destroy their intestines than eating a non vegan meal is not it.

Before we give you OP's update, let's take a look at some top comments:

hedsgho writes:

On behalf of people with celiacs and vegetarians/vegans the world over: this pescetarian bag can shove off.

She's asking for some actual ethical vegetarian to start quizzing her on trawlers, ocean waste from fishing lines, and the environmental disaster of fish farms. We all make compromises under capitalism, and no diet is perfect and ethical with zero impact.

And you're not wrong with "destroy their intestines", I'd be violently ill for days. But my friend who also has coeliacs would be in the hospital with epileptic seizures, this very entitled person really needs to be a little more respectful.

fullriseoh writes:

If eating meat could kill me I’d go vegan, but out of necessity, not choice. Unless your friend has Alpha Gal Syndrome, her being vegan is a Choice, not a necessity. Celiac’s disease can kill your other friend, so entitled GF can get bent. Choose to be vegan, fine whatever. Try to force that choice on others? Now you’re falling into that Veganazi trap.

Remind her that her rights end where someone else’s begin. Signed, a 40+ year vegetarian who can’t stand it when other veggies make the rest of us look bad.

gestalt writes:

This has always been my main issue with vegans. The majority seem to develop a very high opinion of themselves, not only expecting everyone to bow to their every whim because they chose a different diet, but outright condemning anyone who doesn't follow their beliefs.

They become very difficult to be around, which I'm sure just makes their attitude worse, then have the gall to wonder why no one wants to be around them.

I know there are people out there eating vegan for medical reasons, and I'm sure there must be some vegans who are also nice people, it is the few times I have met a vegan they have always been one of the insufferable ones.

The irony that their attitude often detract from the message they want to convey seems to be lost on most.

melzil writes:

This is so ridiculous I suspect it's probably rage bait, but just in case: If the friend with celiac eats that seitan, they could end up in the hospital or worse. I have celiac, and my kid used my straw after eating pizza (grabbed the wrong cup).

I thought nothing of it and continued drinking my drink. I had a horrific reaction, blisters all over my lips and the inside of my mouth, throat, intestines. I had to take steroids.

If I were to actually eat something with gluten in it, I'd be hospitalized. Every exposure is worse than the last. A couple years ago someone was sneaking it into my food regularly to keep me sick, and the damage that did to my body was irreparable and pushed me into a full on wheat allergy (I now get skin blisters from physical contact).

It's got nothing to do with a "dietary preference", this is someone's health we're talking about here.

crath writes:

I don’t think you’re doing enough. you need to uninvite her. she doesn’t take into account that someone else may have a medical dietary restriction. her refusal to acknowledge that and then to try and persuade the host to not serve food that would be friendly for their MEDICAL diet ?

is honestly concerning and she should not be around food nor any social gatherings. she’s the type of person to slip a severe known allergen in someone’s food to “prove they’re faking it” but when they have an actual medical emergency, wants to scream “i didn’t know”, “im sorry” and “please don’t take me to jail” all because they wanted to be dense.

vowta writes:

The eating seafood part might not be the strangest, there is an offshoot of veganism called ostroveganism which excludes most animal products (including milk, honey, and eggs) but does include bivalves (think oysters and mussels). There seems to be environmentally friendly harvesting options for these creatures.

They also lack a central nervous system. It doesn't hit the definition of vegan, but for some people it hits the same spirit. (And it can help potential vegans that don't want a B12 supplement that are having difficulty hitting their protein or iron levels.)

The response to the person with celiacs is wild though. There are definitely some people who avoid gluten for more suspicious, less proven reasons. But celiacs is very clearly identifiable (once diagnosed) and unambiguous. Eating gluten will make them sick.

Maybe the girlfriend should host her own party to celebrate the fall season? Introduce people to some delicious vegan proteins, and include gluten free options so celiac guests don't have to poison themselves. And congratulations!!

jauty6 writes:

I had a former vegan friend who was a handful. I say former because her shenanigans went well beyond the veganism and it all became too much, but some instances:

I hosted a pot luck at my house. She arrived a full hour and fifteen minutes late and a lot of stuff had been eaten. She then complained that there was nothing left for her to eat other than the lettuce she brought.

She also complained that not everyone brought vegan friendly food, which I reminded her that that was going to be the case when I invited her so she should prepare since it was pot luck. Nope. Not good enough. I should have told everyone else what to bring to accommodate her.

She co-opted a socially distanced birthday dinner for a mutual friend during covid, and insisted everyone order from a vegan restaurant.

When one of the other guests said he didn’t want to eat vegan that night and would prefer to order something else, she got mad and literally backed out of the whole thing because she literally wanted everyone to get different dishes from a restaurant she wanted to try out and this way she could sample a bunch of the menu.

She full on admitted this and then got angry that people weren’t going to follow along. We were literally coming from different areas of the city and sitting socially distanced in a park. I don’t know why she thought sharing food would be a good idea.

She’d throw a fit about the whole veganism thing every single time you’d have a meal with her. Except around the holidays, when she was happy to sacrifice the deeply held principles in order to eat non-vegan baked goods.

Cookies and cakes with eggs? No big deal. Oh this croissant has butter and cheese? Meh. Special occasion. Many other instances, but these are the three that immediately popped to mind.


So a couple of people asked for an update so here we are. I told my friend what was going on with his girlfriend, he apologised and told me she was just finding excuses to complain like she always does, she doesn’t really care about what other people eat (also I have the feeling they are not gonna last a lot more as a couple), he tried to reason with her and she calmed down.

I celebrated my graduation today and she was actually very nice to me and congratulated me a thousand times, she’s not bad at all when she’s in a good mood but her mood is very unpredictable I noticed.

We had the meal and she loved it, she’s a very picky eater so I was surprised to see her pleased with food, but what matters is that everyone enjoyed the day.

Also I found out she recently got food poisoning from eating like 30+ oysters in one sitting at a buffet, which I found pretty ironic despite being sorry for her.

For those who didn’t believe this story could be real, I’m glad you never had to deal with people who are always pissed for some reason, hopefully you’re always surrounded by people who are chill about what you eat or don’t eat.

Sources: Reddit
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