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'AITA for asking my friend to pay for a TV her kid broke?' UPDATED

'AITA for asking my friend to pay for a TV her kid broke?' UPDATED


"AITA for asking my friend to pay for a TV her kid broke?"

I (25F) have a daughter who just turned 4 years old. I had a small party with some of her daycare friends for her 4th birthday, and I also invited my best friend (26f) and her 5 year old daughter to come.

My friend and her daughter showed up about 30 mins before the party was suppose to start, and she also brought her 14 month old daughter, which I was fine with. When they got there her 5 year old daughter and my daughter went into her room to play.

Because she was there early I wasn't finished making the cupcakes for the party, so I told her she was more than welcome to join me in the kitchen or watch tv in the living room and make herself at home. She chose to stay in the living room and watch tv with her 14 month old.

When I was in the kitchen I heard a loud bang noise and I immediately ran into the living room. My friend's 14 month old was standing infront of my TV holding my friend's umbrella and the tv was busted.

My friend had went to the bathroom and left her 14 month old unattended in the living room. I don't have an open floor plan and can't see the living room from the kitchen so I didn't see anything and had no idea my friend left her alone.

My friend was very apologetic and offered to pay for the tv when it happened. After the party when I showed her the receipt for the tv and we were discussing it further she changed her mind because my tv was too expensive for her to replace, and she claimed I was taking that risk by inviting kids into my home.

The tv was $1300 and I just bought it last month. It's been almost a week since the party and she is refusing to reply to any of my texts or phone calls.

My fiance is on my side about wanting the money back, but another friend of ours told us we were being harsh and we should cut her some slack and that we should expect things to get broken when we invite kids in the house.

I personally feel like she should have been responsible and not left her daughter unattended in my home. AITA?

Here's what the jury of internet strangers had to say about this one:

What if it was your friend that had the accident? I mean, accidents happen. Do you not have insurance?

OP responded:

Accidents happen, but just because something was an accident doesn't mean they shouldn't be held liable. I also don't consider this an accident. It never would have happened if she was watching her kid, so to me it was caused by negligence.

lostalldoubt86 said:

NTA- There is a difference between kids being a little destructive and someone leaving their toddler unattended long enough for an umbrella to destroy a TV. Your friend should have called out to you before leaving the baby alone.

SomeoneYouDontKnow70 said:

NTA. Yes, you assume some risk when you invite kids into your house, and if you had left glass figurines or clay pottery on the coffee table I'd say you were inviting disaster.

A TV, however, is a perfectly reasonable thing to keep in your living room. Also, you're not the one who supplied the umbrella that the kid used to break the TV. You may need to take this to small claims court.

C_Majuscula said:

NTA. This wasn't an accident, this was negligence. Unfortunately, if you really want the money back, you're probably going to have to go to small claims court.

AshleyPoppins said:

If she had been right there and toddler like three something - that’s an accident. Maybe split price of TV. But leaving toddler unattended in someone else’s house with an umbrella? Nope that’s 100% her fault and responsibility.

janedoeeeee said:

NTA - It is common courtesy to leave a place the same (if not better) than you found it. She knows this, it's why she initially offered to replace it. However, I don't think this is worthy of small claims court or anything like that. I would simply exit the friendship.

Later, the post was updated to include:

Edit: I will have to look at our renters insurance to see if it can cover at least some of the cost of the tv. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! I won't be pursuing anything in court or anything like that, but I won't continue with this friendship anymore.

Sources: Reddit
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