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Woman refuses to use her bathtub as storage for sister's 'crab-themed' wedding. AITA?

Woman refuses to use her bathtub as storage for sister's 'crab-themed' wedding. AITA?

"AITA for refusing to let my sister store 200 pounds of live crabs in my bathtub for her 'crab-themed wedding?'"

So my sister (30F) is getting married next weekend, and for reasons I don’t entirely understand, the theme of her wedding is crabs. Like, actual crabs. She’s obsessed with them—they’re on the invitations, the table centerpieces, even her dress has little crab embroidery. Fine, whatever, her wedding, her choice.

The problem started yesterday when she called me (32M) in a complete meltdown because her “crab supplier” (apparently this is a thing) fell through, and now she’s managed to source 200 pounds of live crabs last minute. However, she has nowhere to store them until the big day. Her genius solution? My bathtub.

She says I “owe her” because I live alone and “don’t even take baths.” (True, but I do shower in there and prefer not to share it with angry sea creatures.) I told her no way, and now she’s furious, calling me selfish and accusing me of sabotaging her wedding.

Her reasoning is that the crabs are “integral to the ambiance” of the reception—apparently, they’re going to be part of the decorations (gross), and later boiled as part of the dinner. She insists the bathroom is “perfect” because it has a drain, and all I’d have to do is “hose it down” afterward.

I told her this was insane. First, crabs move—they’re not going to stay neatly in the tub. Second, I’m not dealing with the smell of seawater and crab poop for the next week. Third, what happens if one escapes and claws its way under the fridge or something?

But now she’s rallying the family against me, saying I’m being unsupportive and “don’t understand how stressful planning a wedding is.” Even my dad is telling me to “just do it for a few days” to keep the peace.

For the record, I think her wedding sounds like a logistical nightmare, but I’ve been polite about it. I just don’t think my bathroom should turn into a crab holding tank because she can’t rent a cooler like a normal person. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

Popular_Okra3126 said:

NTA. Let your dad or the other coercive family members take on the crabs. ADD: Water temp, salinity, and oxygen wouldn’t be right. They will die anyway.

asafeplaceofrest said:

NTA - if she can afford 200 pounds of live crabs, she can afford proper storage until the moment they are brought out for the wedding. And if your tub is full, you won't be able to get a shower in time to go to the wedding, so you'll just have to decline the invitation.

What's this with crab decorations? Sounds insane. I dunno - I'd want an explanation of how she is going to do this. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

WoodenEggplant4624 said:

Your bathroom is not a suitable storage facility for her live seafood. Your home is not hers to commandeer. She and other family members are being unreasonable, unfair and inconsiderate. If you dad thinks it is no big deal then he should house the crabs in his bathtub. Your sister's genius solution is insane.

Careless-Image-885 said:

NTA. Don't back down. Tell the family members to step up and help...especially dear old dad. Go low contact until the fiasco is over.

SecretMembership1090 said :

NTA. Your bathtub is not a pre-wedding crab Airbnb. If her “ambiance” depends on crustaceans squatting in your bathroom, she can figure out a plan that doesn’t involve turning your home into Finding Nemo: The Horror Edition.

Fit_Marionberry_3878 said:

NTA. This is crabs in the bucket mentality. You having a bigger space doesn’t mean she gets to store live creatures in your tub.

Sources: Reddit
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