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Woman reminds friend, 'just because you're poor, doesn't mean I am.' AITA? 'What a waste of money.'

Woman reminds friend, 'just because you're poor, doesn't mean I am.' AITA? 'What a waste of money.'


"AITA for reminding my friend that just because she’s poor, doesn’t mean I am?"

I’m (20F) enrolled in the laundry program at school, where I pay a lump sum, and they do my laundry for me all year. It’s very popular at my university, and they pick it up from my dorm weekly.

My friend (21F) is weirdly obsessed with this and constantly comments on it for some reason. She always comes over and sees my bag, and has some random comment to say.

She’ll say, “How could anyone pay for that?” To which I always say, “Why would I ever do something I don’t want to, if I can just pay someone else to do it for me?” I’m wondering if she’s like this to everyone, because that would explain why she has few friends.

Almost everyone I know uses the laundry program. Her unwanted comments make me like her less. She did it again, and was like, “What a waste of money."

"The laundry program is ridiculously expensive, and no one can afford that.” I simply said that I don’t find it expensive at all, and that she finds it expensive because she’s poor. I’m not, so I’ll continue paying for the program. She’s furious that I called her poor. But she is. It’s just a fact. AITA?

Here's what top commenters had to say about his one:

Antelope_31 said:

ESH. She clearly is jealous and resentful, and you clearly are unempathetic, snotty and not caring or savvy enough to handle this with any wisdom or grace. Pointing out someone’s lack of resources isn’t kind. Did you earn that money or it is your parents who actually pay? I’m surprised you have any friends, too.

khnumoi said:

I was going to go with ESH but after reading your incredibly entitled and self-absorbed comments want you to know that you are leaning towards YTA and boy are you in for a shock in life.

You've been fortunate enough to have generous parents who are willing to support you financially but this is not the case for all people, even those from upper middle-class families.

My parents were wealthy and they held every dollar over my head. Not everyone has parents who are willing to help even if they can. You need to be more self-aware and empathetic towards other people. Be sensitive and kind, because life always comes full circle.

mewley said:

YTA. Yes, your friend’s comments are annoying. But your attitude is entitled and snotty, frankly. Calling her poor and pointing out you’re rich is pretty much the epitome of being an entitled AH.

EffPop said:

YTA. The issue is the effect her comments have on you (annoyance, resentment). The issue is not socioeconomic standing. She's being a jerk, but you went quite low by insulting her in the manner you did, rather than addressing how you felt about her continued complaints and (perhaps) suggesting you stop hanging out together.

SoImaRedditUserNow said:

Scratch that, was going to say ESH. But basically she's just mildly annoying. You're an ahole, who doesn't have enough money, your parents have enough money to pay for the laundry service. YEs yes yes, I imagine you're going to say that you worked summer jobs and founded your own company or some such bs. YTA.

growsonwalls said:

ESH. Your friend sucks for harping on this issue, but you suck for calling her poor. When they go low it's better for you to go high. Instead, you went gutter low.

mustng66 said:

YTA - Calling her poor was just uncalled for. You should have told her simply to drop the comments about the laundry already, you know her opinion and are just tired of hearing about from her. You didn't need to pull the 'you're just poor' card here. That wasn't nice of you.

Sources: Reddit
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