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Woman sends coffee and sweet treats to her girlfriend's workplace, 'it's started to cause issues.' AITA?

Woman sends coffee and sweet treats to her girlfriend's workplace, 'it's started to cause issues.' AITA?


"I've been sending my girlfriend Starbucks delivery every couple of days and it started to cause issues at her work..."

I’m 28F and my girlfriend is 27. My girlfriend is extremely picky with her coffee, she hates hot coffee or coffee without a ton of milk. Both me and my girlfriend have separate finances.

Whenever my girlfriend texts me that her day is boring or stressful I will Uber Eats Starbucks to her work so she has a coffee and a cake pop. It’s something I can afford to do, and she absolutely loves whenever I surprise her at work with a sweet treat. I’ve been doing it for the past couple of months with no issue.

A few days ago my girlfriend came home and told me she absolutely loves the Starbucks and doesn’t want me to stop, but that some of the other women have started to kick up a fuss over it and from what my girlfriend was able to gather...

The women think my girlfriend is rubbing it in their face that she gets treated to a nice drink every few days. It’s started to cause some issues in the break room due to some of the woman being incredibly jealous. I’m wondering if I stop for a while or continue doing it?


I will chat with my girlfriend when she gets home about if she feels comfortable still having her treats or if I should stop. Thanks for the help.

Here's what top commenters had to say about this one:

No_Winner1131 said:

Time to up the ante. Send flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, a singing telegram (maybe not). NTA Good people would be happy for her, you don't need to worry about the other kind of people.

Makira7577 said:

NTA - I’m always amazed when people can’t act like adults at work. One caveat that isn’t on you. If she works in a controlled access building, has to involve others to get the delivery person access or whatever or makes a big deal out of it, she could be the ahole if it’s happening multiple times a week, but that’s on her, not you.

DrummerClear7639 said:

NTA. I worked at a gym for a while and there was one girl who’s boyfriend would bring her coffee to work sometimes. One of the other girls I worked with at the time was always so bothered by it and I had no idea why.

It was in between our busy periods, he was in and out in about 2 minutes max. He would walk in, go to her station, set the coffee down and maybe give her a quick kiss and leave. I never understood why it bothered everyone so much and I still don’t tbh.

VelvetWhimsyy said:

NTA, but it's all about that balance, right? Maybe keep the treat train rolling but less often? Switch up the delivery times or pick days when it won't stir the pot. Jealousy at work is real, but shouldn’t spoil your cute gesture!

GlimmerGarden said:

NTA. You’re just being sweet and supportive! But yeah, if it's causing drama, maybe dial it back to like once a week or something. Keep it low-key so she still gets her pick-me-up without the side of office drama.

Con4America said:

NTA. If they are jealous, that is their problem, not hers. If they make an issue of it, she should go to HR and that will stop. Neither of you have done anything wrong.

Sources: Reddit
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