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Woman tells sister 'nobody cares' about her baby names as much as she does; AITA?

Woman tells sister 'nobody cares' about her baby names as much as she does; AITA?

Expecting parents can be intense about protecting their chosen baby names to avoid filtering out negative feedback from every family member, doctor, barista, or complete stranger...

So, when a conflicted sister decided to vent to moral compass of the internet otherwise known as Reddit's "Am I the As^hole" about whether or not she was wrong to be honest about her sister's baby-naming process, people were eager to weigh in.

AITA for telling my sister nobody cares what she names her kids as much as she does?

My sister Laurel (30f) had her second child a month ago. Her oldest is 14 months old. During Laurel's first pregnancy she was asking different family members, except me, if they were dying to know what she was calling her baby and whether they wanted to guess the names she had chosen.

One or two maybe gave a guess but everyone told her they could wait until she and her husband were ready to announce. Her oldest, her son she named Theodore. Her daughter is Mildred.

During the second pregnancy she was very much asking the same questions, still not to me. She got pretty much the same responses this time from those she asked as well.

A few days ago we were gathered for our brother's birthday and Laurel was asking if anyone had any thoughts on her kids' names.

I did not consider myself included in this because she did not look at me but looked at everyone else. People were like "uh, not really?" and things were ever so slightly awkward.

Laurel asked why nobody was excited to find out her kids names and why nobody had a big reaction.

Our brother said he guessed what her kids names would be like because of how she named her dogs; Dorothy, Stanley and Eleanor and he said she never hid the fact she likes really old names from anyone.

Laurel was like what is that meant to mean (the really old names part). My brother shrugged. Nobody else answered.

Laurel got upset and said she had expected a lot more excitement and enthusiasm from everyone except for me, because I like weird trendy names. But that she thought everyone else would say what a great taste she had in names.

I told her nobody cares what she named her kids except for her. Nobody cares ever cares about what other people name their kids unless it's really crazy or they really care about names and stuff.

She said that was so rude of me to say and I was behaving like the bratty little sister who had no taste at all. AITA?

Here's what the jury of internet strangers had to say about this one:

tatasz said:

NTA. Like, yeah, you were rude. But she sounds incredibly annoying.

Plenty_Metal_1304 said:

NTA. She sounds like a snob. A self-centered snob by the looks of it.

calliatom said:

NTA. Having everyone try to guess the baby name is, at best, good as a one night game at the baby shower. Past that, it's just being unnecessarily smug about how much of a clever clogs you are and how good of taste in names you have.

Dimirosch said:

With her attitude about it, I go with NTA. I think it was rude what you said but her whole "Uh make a guess, come on, make a guess" is just too anoying.

She could easily have said "I'd like to have opinions on the name Hugobnix-Malchorus-Rex" and everyone could have been involved, perhaps made a compliment or even asked if there is a meaning behind it.

Playing the guessing game where nobody could reasonable have a chance to win, is a failure from the start.

No_Independence9170 said:

Laurel needs to get over herself. NTA.

Yikes...don't expect your family to be as invested in your naming process unless you at least try to make it a fun guessing game? Good luck to this family...future holidays are about to get weird.

Sources: Reddit
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