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Woman throws away roommates 'annoying' bouquet after getting into a fight with her BF.

Woman throws away roommates 'annoying' bouquet after getting into a fight with her BF.


Living with a roommate has a lot of pros. Cheaper rent, someone to socialize with, and someone to offset utility bills is incredibly helpful. However, a bad roommate's cons can overshadow all the pros.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Am I the A%&hole Subreddit, a woman has a bad night with her boyfriend and takes it out on her roommate.

She writes:

I 25f used to live in a two bed flat with my friend. She moved out last month and got her friend Ava to take over her tenancy. I work long hours and am barely at home, and even then, it is mainly to sleep. We share a bathroom, kitchen, and living space. I have to walk past the kitchen to get to my bedroom.

Ava's boyfriend got her flowers Thursday, and she put the bouquet in a vase on the kitchen counter. I have hay fever; the flowers make me sneeze, and my eyes itch. When I saw Ava that same day, I asked her politely to put the flowers in her room as I had allergies.

She said she was on her way out for a run and would do so by the time she returned. I went into the kitchen the Friday morning and saw the flowers were still there. I tried knocking on her door, and when she didn't answer left her a text reminding her to move the flowers.

After work on Friday, I went to my boyfriend's and stayed over for the weekend. We fought, and I left early Sunday morning instead of staying the whole weekend. I was in a bad mood when I got home and was even more irritated when I saw the flowers still on the counter.

I checked my messages and saw Ava had read my message but not responded, and I knew she was in the flat over the weekend as dishes were in the sink. I binned her flowers and went to my room.

Ava saw me come in today after work and called me TA for binning her flowers and wants me to reimburse her for the bouquet. She told our friend (ex-flatmate), who agreed with her. I feel justified as I was annoyed, and I had asked her twice, and it is my kitchen too.

The Internet is an expert on roommate dilemmas.


NTA (Not the A#%hole), she was literally causing an allergy attack and didn't care enough about the flowers to move them in a reasonable timeframe.

MistyMadeleine__ says:

NTA, hayfever sucks, and she said she would move them on Friday. She didn't. This being said they are not yours to throw away; maybe you should've put them near her bedroom?

I'd suggest getting her some chocolate or something she likes that you aren't allergic to keep the peace.

shreddedcheeseuser says:

ESH (Everyone Sucks Here), sh%^ty of her to leave the flowers in the kitchen, but you could have put them in her bedroom or the bedroom entrance.

OP seems like you projected some of your stuff onto your roommate's flowers, but your roommate is also a jerk for not moving them.

Sources: Reddit
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