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Woman attempts to hijack attention at friend's birthday party; friend won't have it.

Woman attempts to hijack attention at friend's birthday party; friend won't have it.


Throwing yourself a birthday party is for you and gives people in your life that love you the chance to celebrate you (because they want to do that). The day is about you and is in celebration of you. If someone tries to steal that attention from you, they better have a good reason to do so.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Am I The A%#hole Subreddit, a person tells their friend that she is not allowed to use her birthday party to make a special announcement.

They write:

Leah has always been one of those people who always wants to be in the spotlight. This never l bothered me as I am quite an introverted person. Anyways skipping to my birthday.

We had been planning this party for a long time as I had been depressed for the past couple of years, and this was my first big gathering with all my friends and family, who were also there to support my recovery.

I was sending out the invites and was excited. We were ordering pizzas and KFC, which are my two absolute favorites. I tell everyone in the group chat that we will be ordering this, and everyone is excited, but then Leah messages and says she 'can't have that' because she is Vegan.

She then said it was disrespectful that I wasn't being inclusive to everyone. In private messages, she started going on about how it was rude of me not to have asked before organizing food and that I was 'discriminating against her being a vegan,' so I got stressed and didn't know what to do.

I then said I would order her some food separately from a vegan place and pay, and she went quiet. The day before the party, I got a message in the group from her saying, '@everyone Can't wait to catch up with you all this weekend. I want to share some exciting news of my own!'

Confused, I messaged her personally and asked what this was about, as I didn't quite understand why she had to announce it on MY birthday. It also pissed me off how she was texting the group chat as if she was the one who was organizing the party.

We have many mutual friends, but at the end of the day, it was MY GROUP CHAT, and she treated it like it was some mass gathering for her.

Leah said she was 'planning on telling everyone about her pregnancy.' I was shocked. Not only did I feel like she was purposefully trying to ruin my birthday, but I was, even more hurt that she didn't ask me first. After all, it was MY birthday party. I told her I did not want her to announce it on my birthday and that I found it rude of her not to have asked me first.

She then went OFF at me and started complaining about how this was her 'only opportunity to do it' as 'everyone would be there,' and the 'timing was so perfect' and that I had 'ruined her plan' and that I was a 'selfish and bad friend' for not being happy for her.

She then said she could do 'whatever the f#%k she wants, and I can't stop her from announcing it' I was too stressed that I sent her a text uninviting her to my party and then blocked her. All day I got calls and texts from her family saying I was 'selfish, rude, and narcissistic' and was a 'bad friend.'

They all called me a a#%hole for uninviting her and being 'mean' to her. All these texts made me feel guilty, like an a^%hole, so here I am on Reddit...AlTA here?

The internet will happily pick sides.

oaksandpines1776 says:

NTA (Not the A%#hole). It's rude to steal someone else's event for your own announcements. I would disinvite her.

You know she is going to make a scene. Or I would be petty and make an announcement and tag everyone invited about Leah's pregnancy.

Jupiter_quasar says:

NTA, this is your b-day one day a year when it's just about you. You're throwing a party, making all the plans. She has no right to take that from you. Early on, she wanted you to feel guilty for causing an issue with the food.

When you fixed that, she had to find another way to make it about her. NTA 100000% NTA. Keep her blocked. Block her family. She doesn't sound like a real friend but more like someone who needs YOU to make her feel more important in her unimportant life.

Dittoheadforever says:

You're NTA. Your friend sounds insufferable and self-absorbed. If you were as spiteful as I am, you would block her from the chat and tell everyone her news for her before your party.

Tell Leah that if she wants to announce her pregnancy she should throw herself a birthday party!

Sources: Reddit
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