Marital trouble is incredibly difficult to navigate. Both people in the couple need to agree on a goal for their marriage for any resolution to work. It must be done with intention, whether continuing the relationship, friendship, or an amicable divorce.
The wife writes:
My husband and I have been married for three years and are on the rocks. It all started after our first child's birth when he became increasingly irritable, aggressive, and sexually distant from me.
Once he became physically abusive by grabbing and pushing me, we decided to live at different residences, desperately trying to salvage our marriage. That was three months ago.
I live with my mom and work part-time while caring for our 18-month-old son with her help. My husband purchased a new condo with the financial support of his dad and lived with a female friend of his (22F), who he charges rent.
I was uncomfortable about his living arrangement with this woman from the moment I found out about it, mainly because we agreed that WE ARE NOT taking a break in the sense of seeing others, and we are still married and NOT going through a separation, but just trying to give each other, mainly him, space.
She has become very hostile towards me, which is strange because she's supposedly only his friend and tenant. For example, I went to visit him with our son, and the whole time she was sitting near him and staring at me with hatred. When I asked if he and I could talk privately, she said, 'No, this is our place,' of course, this made everything awkward, so I just left shortly after that.
I don't know why she would act so hostile towards me if she were just a friend and tenant of his. My husband didn't seem bothered by her rudeness towards me either, and at one point, I thought I saw him smirk.
I don't know if I should be concerned that he and her have become more than friends, especially since my husband told me through text that he and I are still 'exclusive' to each other. What is the best way to continue with this awkward situation?
The internet has some advice.
ellepre says:
You start by filing for divorce.
sjgbfs says:
broomandkettle says:
OP, the simple answer is that he has lied to her about your status and the abuse. Abusers do this; they will pretend that their partners are lying or even that they themselves are being abused. She probably didn’t want to leave the room; she believed he needed her protection.
broomandkettle says:
And she has no idea that the two of you are supposed to be on a break. He's probably told her that you guys are getting a divorce and that you are in denial.
Taking a break isn't fix him. He's shown you who he is when he's under pressure. And there's lots of pressure ahead with marriage and raising kids. I'm guessing he will pursue her romantically, and you'll be the crazy ex in her eyes for a while.
Except that this fantasy of his will start to fall apart once he gets abusive with her. If you want to put a wedge in things, send images of his texts to her about being exclusive. Right now, she's an innocent bystander and doesn't deserve to be tricked. Also, get a lawyer, fight for full custody, and get child support. He's not the man you hoped he was.
OP, in the famous words of Ice Spice, 'That boy's a liar.'