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'AITA for not co-signing a loan for my brother’s luxury car?'

'AITA for not co-signing a loan for my brother’s luxury car?'


"AITA for not co-signing a loan for my brother’s luxury car?"

I (33F) am having some family drama right now and I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong. My younger brother (28M) is asking me to co-sign a loan for him to buy a luxury car. He says it’s important because he needs it to “meet the right people” and “make connections” for his career. He believes that this fancy car is going to help him look successful and give off the right impression.

Here’s the thing: He can definitely buy a cheaper car. He doesn’t need this flashy one to get around, but he’s convinced that it's somehow going to change his life. The problem is, his credit score isn’t great and he won’t get approved for such a big loan on his own. That’s where I come in, I guess. He wants me to co-sign it for him, and I just... I don’t feel comfortable doing that.

It’s not that I don’t want to help him. I do, but I’ve got my own financial stuff to worry about. Plus, what if he can’t make the payments? I’d be on the hook for it, and it’s a huge loan. And to be honest, he’s never been the most responsible with money. He’s already had a few bad financial decisions, so I’m kinda expecting him to fall behind on payments eventually.

I told him no, and of course, he’s upset with me. But what’s really getting to me is that my parents are mad too. They think I’m being selfish and not supporting my brother enough. They keep telling me that I should trust him and “we’re family,” so I should help him out. Now, they’re all giving me the cold shoulder, like I’m some kind of traitor.

I don’t want to ruin my relationship with my brother or my parents, but I also don’t think I should risk my own financial stability for something that feels so unnecessary. AITA for refusing to co-sign the loan?

Here's what people had to say to OP:

NTA !! He should work harder and also he should take care of his credit score ! Tell your parents they should co-sign the loan insted of beeing pissed!!!

OP responded:

Yep. I agree on that with you ... I won't sign anything I told them that they could co-sign his loan if they want to!

Co-signing a loan is a huge financial responsibility. If your brother can’t make the payments, it falls on you, and you shouldn’t feel pressured into taking that risk.

OP responded:

I know .. that's why i won't co-sign knowing his spending habits to well


1. Your brother is confusing a want for a need. His idiocy and immaturity are not your probalem.

2. If parents aren't willing to co-sign and help their child, why should you?

OP responded:

Thanks ... they know i wont co-sign ... they don't want to because they know they are going to end up paying of the loan knowing my brothers spending habit!

Then they are being total d%$#s! They know they'll get screwed over, so you should in their place? That's wild. Is brother their lil baby boy who never gets in trouble, and you're their responsible adult child?

OP responded:

Unfortunately your right!

Your parents have got to know that their desire that you take on this idiocy is a huge flag right? I am glad you’re the adult here. Your brother needs more parenting. Keep an eye on your credit you can’t be too cautious these days.

NTA. Lol this is absurd. Why aren't your parents co signing?

OP responded:

they know his spending habits that's why !!!

NTA. Rule is to never co-sign. But if you do co-sign, you only co-sign for something you are willing to pay for yourself since you will be separately liable for the debt.

OP responded:

I know but for sure i'm not willing to pay for a car which he dosen't need !!

Sources: Reddit
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