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15 non-Americans share the common American issues they can't relate to.

15 non-Americans share the common American issues they can't relate to.


A lot of websites on the internet centers conversations around America, its customs, and its problems.

But the world itself is far larger than America, and many people who log on every day are confronted with news and content about America that isn't at all relatable.

So in honor of that, non-Americans on a popular Ask Reddit thread shared the American problems they often hear about but don't relate to.

1. From marbatico:

Everything in stores being priced before taxes.

2. From Phizz01:

I can't relate to having to worry about medical insurance or paying thousands for some simple medical procedure. I can't relate to having to decide whether a family member should have chemotherapy and you be plunged into debt, or to be (some what) financially stable but them die from cancer. Breaking bad would have been a lot shorter in Europe.

3. From MsEwa:

Huge gaps between toilet door and frame. I don't need eye contact, thanks.

4. From iamhere2266:

All the lawyer commercials, everybody must be suing everybody.

5. From redjet8o:

Housing associations. Edit: yes I meant HOAs.

Having only heard about them on reddit, I did not realise they had positives for anyone other than the board members.

6. From jabela:

Garbage disposal system that use the sink. Never used one, but Americans say they're great.

7. From unremarkable_penguin:

I'm an American, but I lived with a host family in Europe several years ago and they could not wrap their heads around not just college athletics, but the fanaticism surrounding it.

8. From the_third_sourcerer:

Those 'Little Miss' beauty pagents...they just look utterly bizarre to me.

9. From Tallguygeorge:

TV Commercials for drugs/medicine - the whole 'Ask your doctor to prescribe you _____' Doesn't happen in the UK, and it just seems crazy to me.

10. From ZhenHen:

Somebody (of USA origin) in my study group today (in Australia) took out a jar of peanut butter and casually started slathering their whole banana with it and I 100% could not relate to that.

EDIT: Holy smokes! This blew up! Wasn’t expecting this odd happening in my life to garner this much attention, thanks guys 😂. For the record, I asked her wtf and she was all “oh you guys don’t do this here? Is it weird?? It’s normal back home.” and the study group were all “... no...” 😂😂

11. From Jaci_D:

I am really surprised no one has said maternity leave isn't mandatory. We are trying to have a baby and I have to take short term disability and a second insurance plan to cover myself while in the hospital. I have 6 weeks and then have to go back to work or not get paid. Now there is FMLA (family medical leave act) that holds my job for 12 additional weeks but it is without pay.

12. From therealmyself:

Whatever is going on with kneeling at the national anthem. At this point I have absolutely no idea if this is extra respectful, or some sort of sign of disrespect.

13. From Sticky-Sticker:

Gun violence.

Not being able to go to the doctor because it costs too much

Massive college debt.

14. From cloudvodca:

Why are so many American homes built out of wood? Especially in places like tornado alley or other locations where natural disasters are likely. Here in the UK we build nearly everything using bricks.nThe story of the 3 little pigs springs to mind.

15. From Office_Drone_:

Trump and the presidency/elections as a whole. It just never stops! It's politics 24/7 and both sides are so unbelievably combative and hostile to each other constantly it seems (in reality and online). People in Europe seem to take politics/elections far more as a circus you just ignore until its over.

Sources: Reddit
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