In general, it's safest to leave people's parenting choices uncommented on, even the choices they make before the kid has left the womb.
While it can be painful to watch a slow train wreck in real time, people really don't like unsolicited advice from family members, even if the family member is right.
They wrote:
AITA for telling my sister she needs to name her baby like he will grow up and not give him a 'cool' baby name?
My sister is obsessed with the show Yellowstone. Her husband is willing to do anything to make her happy. They want to name their baby Cowboy. I know I should have kept my mouth shut. It's not my circus or my monkey. I just know the absolute sh*t that kid will go through.
So I told her to consider that she was naming a person who would eventually be an adult. Our mom and dad at least had the decency to only give me Danger as a middle name. Yes, I've seen the f**king movie.
She thinks I'm an a**hole for calling her name choice stupid. I think I'm trying to save him from a lifetime of bullying until he legally changes his name.
RichCorinthian wrote:
It's an awesome name! When he gets older he can go by 'Beefman.'
It's ****ing ridiculous. NTA.
rbfking wrote:
I'm surprised she didn't want to throw some flair on the spelling...maybe like Khaowbhoy.
srgonzo75 wrote:
NTA. I guess someone liked the guitar picker on Yellowstone. Of course, if she paid attention, she might have noticed he called himself that so he wouldn’t have to give his actual name.
Safe-Amphibian-1238 wrote:
As a veteran teacher, I thought I had heard all the awful names. Nope, this one makes it to the top 5. Tell your sister a teacher, who will have to call out that name at school everyday, is telling her it is a terrible idea.
The consensus is strong here: OP is NTA, and their sister's baby name is off the charts bullying material.