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Woman storms out after sister has her babysit two hours longer than planned. AITA?

Woman storms out after sister has her babysit two hours longer than planned. AITA?


Communication is key, particularly if someone is doing you a favor. There's a big difference between saying yes to two hours of babysitting and five hours.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for storming out after her sister left her to babysit two hours longer than expected. She wrote:

"AITA for leaving curtly after my sister got home two hours later than the time she said she would be home and I would be done babysitting?"

Me and my fiancé babysat my sister and her friend's two kids last night. Originally, they told us they would be home at 10 and around 9 o’clock to turn on a movie and turn off the lights to get the kids ready for bed. Around 930 the moms started texting my fiancé’s phone asking if the kids had gone to sleep yet we said no thinking they would be home soon.

The mom said turn the lights off and tell them to go nighty night. My fiancé responded to the message saying we thought you would be back at 10. What’s the ETA? My sister asked if I was irate to which my fiancé said we both have an early morning in the morning. When the two moms got home they weren't remorseful for being two hours late and didn't apologize about the fact they were two hours late.

I went to the kitchen to grab my keys, one Mom asked if the kids went down all right I replied Yep and walked outside. My sister texted me apologizing, and I said we both (me and my fiancé ) felt very disappointed and taken advantage of. I then said you can Venmo us. My sister, said wow, really. I tried calling my sister to talk about it and explain how upset I felt and hear her out as to why she was upset.

My sister has ignored my calls since yesterday and has gotten my mom in the middle of it telling my mom I stormed off and was rude to her friend. AITA?

People had clear opinions on the situation.

PlentyHopeful263 wrote:

NTA. Don't babysit for your sister anymore.

C_Majuscula wrote:

NTA. Now you know not to babysit for her again.

PorcupineTattoo wrote:

NTA. I had a very similar situation with my sibling's young toddler. I agreed to watch while they meet up with friends. About 5 hours after they were gone, poor kid is crying inconsolably. I text back and forth with them over text for a few minutes, let them know the kid is done with it and they might want to head back now. They make clear that they are not coming back until they are done hanging out.

I couldn't believe it. When they show up almost two hours later, I hand the kid off - still crying, pick up my stuff, and walk out. I couldn't have had a calm conversation at that point with them at that moment. I didn't sit for them again until the kid was a couple of years older. Some people don't appreciate a good thing when they have it.

Sarcastic_Eggplant wrote:

NTA. Your sister let herself give in to the temptation to stay temporarily free from her kids longer than the agreed-upon time. I've made that mistake once, too. It's a good way to suddenly not have a babysitter anymore. A lot of parents need to learn that lesson.

yram170 wrote:

NTA! Your sister and her friend were disrespectful to you, then when called out, your sister blamed you for…. feeling upset at having been disrespected? She’s the AH. Definitely set some boundaries about how you deserve to be treated!

OP is definitely NTA here, it's clearly time for her and her sister to have a chat about boundaries.

Sources: Reddit
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