Siblings will fight at some point. It's the nature of living with someone in close quarters. However, there's a difference between sibling rivalry and being cruel to your sibling. Some lines shouldn't be crossed.
He writes:
I have a brother who is two years older than me. He has suffered from a condition since birth that forces him to be in a wheelchair anytime he is out of bed. He cannot use his arms that well, either. We used to have a great relationship until I turned 11, and I really started resenting the amount of attention he took from my parents. And how much stress he put them under. I had to help him, change him, and feed him constantly. I hated it.
There were a few years in his life when he was so mean to my parents, and it really made me resent him more. I realize now that I had no right to judge him, and I will never know how difficult life is for him. I stopped hanging out with him and made more friends at school. I would tell my family about all the fun I had at school during dinner to make him feel bad.
I started barely talking to him or acknowledging his presence. He would get frustrated to the point of tears to get my attention. It started escalating two years ago when I would purposely turn off the WiFi and unplug the tv every time we had to leave the house so my brother could do nothing but sit in his wheelchair. I would purposely delete his favorite saved shows on the DVR. I would make fun of his speech. Push things just out of his reach.
I would act disgusted when I had to change or bathe him. It always made him feel bad, and he would apologize. I made my brother apologize for taking a dump. What the f*ck is wrong with me? But my f*cking saint of a brother never told my parents. And he never let me have it.
Three weeks ago, he tried to talk to me non-stop, and I ignored him. I got annoyed and wheeled him against his wishes to the backyard, placed him under an umbrella, and went back inside. I fell asleep and realized I had left him there for three hours. When I went to bring him back inside, he was in tears and wouldn't look at me. He was humiliated.
I have always felt guilty about how I treated my brother all these years, but my anger toward him overpowered it. But seeing that look on his face affected me in a way that was different from before. I stopped all the bullying after that day. I was so ashamed I couldn't even look him in the face.
Last Sunday, my brother told me he was glad I was his brother and friend. I couldn't even respond. I went to my room and cried. I'm 17, and he's 19 now. I can do nothing to make up for the past six years.
My brother will be returning with my mom from a specialist appointment tonight. I'm going to apologize to him and beg for his forgiveness tonight. I want to start being a f*cking decent brother to him again. I am a healthy guy with no issues who chose to bully his only brother for something that wasn't his fault. I am so ashamed of myself. I wrote up a long-a** apology letter that I wanted to read to my brother. I waited until he got home and got into bed for the night.
I knocked on his door, and he was so f*cking excited that it was me. I couldn't even get through the first few words. I started crying after saying, 'I wanted to say I'm sorry,' and couldn't get through. I just got into bed with him and laid down next to him. He hugged me tight and said, 'I missed you, buddy.'
I lost it. I had never cried that bad before. He just hugged me for a long time until I calmed down. We didn't talk much. He started crying for a bit too. It was the first time in a long time we had just hugged. After half an hour, I got up and gave him a kiss, and he told me he was so happy.
I have been working part-time for the past year, and I was saving some money so my brother and my mom could go on a trip to a place he wanted to visit. But I think I will take my brother myself instead (when I turn 18).
I also realized that I need to have a relationship with my brother where I am not just taking care of him. It needs to be like a normal brother relationship. Like going to movies and stuff. It will take some time for me to fix the mess I created. I'm just lucky my brother is amazing.
The Internet voiced their opinions:
This user says:
OP, I respect your willingness to recognize your mistakes and do better. Nothing is harder than feeling the pain we have caused someone we love. Your brother sounds like he loves you, and I hope the best for you and this relationship.
georga26 says:
I’m actually crying reading this.
WearyMatter says:
If the person you used to be doesn’t make you cringe, you aren’t growing. Doesn’t excuse it. Just do your best going forward and learn from it. It seems you already have. Make amends if possible.
OP, I didn't think I'd be crying at work today, but here I am crying.