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Man sees empty bathroom garbage, asks woman if she 'lied' about period to avoid intimacy.

Man sees empty bathroom garbage, asks woman if she 'lied' about period to avoid intimacy.


In general, it's not a good look to ask intrusive questions about someone else's bodily functions, and it's an even worse look to accuse them of lying to you about their own body.

However, that doesn't stop some people from boldly going where no one should, and then reaping the consequences after the fact.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a man asked if he was wrong for asking a woman he's seeing if she lied about her period.

He wrote:

AITA for asking a girl I'm seeing about her period?

A girl I’m seeing slept over the other night and when she was here stuff got a little s*xual she ended up saying she was on her period. No big deal, I gave her a back rub and we watched movies the rest of the night.

The next morning she was getting ready to go home, and I went to the bathroom and my garbage was empty, and I didn’t see her get up a single time to change her pad or tampon so I questioned her about it and told her if i made her uncomfortable when I was making sexual advances she could’ve just said so and didn’t need to lie about being on her period.

She immediately got defensive and said she has no reason to lie. I told her I saw nothing that indicated she changed her tampon or pad that night and if she left a tampon or bad in all night in fear of leaving it in my garbage, that I didn’t care about that and that I have sisters and understand the dangers of using the same tampon or pad all night.

She said she was aware and didn’t need me to “mansplain” periods to her and she called me weird and left. She’s blocked me on everything and this feels very over dramatic, I was just looking out for her. AITA?

People were properly heated in the comment section.

HauntedReader wrote:

YTA Pads and tampons aren't the only options for periods. There are menstrual cups and re-usable pads that are more eco-friendly.

I promise you, she didn't need you to lecture her on period safety.

sakuramatsuoka wrote:

YTA for searching for 'evidence' that she was telling the truth. I would have done the exact thing she did, dump you and block you.

MaybeAWalrus wrote:

YTA. She said no, she was on her period. Why are you even investigating in order to shame her and corner her to get an explanation on why you didn't have sex ?! Seems like you are just mad she refused you. Also...yikes.

It's creepy you would inspect your garbage can to get 'proof' of her period. Tampons don't leave any evidence behind, but yet you are trying to mansplain to a girl that it should have left evidence behind ?! Also...menstrual cups exist. They don't leave proofs behind either.

Sputtrosa wrote:

Checking the garbage for 'proof' makes you an AH. Asking her about it makes you an AH. Not allowing her a white lie when uncomfortable, if that's what it was, makes you an AH. Not understanding how you were an AH every single step of the way, makes you an AH. So, YTA x4.

LurksAroundHere wrote:

YTA. Eyeballing the trash and bringing it up as evidence that she lied about sexy time is a bit much. Like others have said, she may have been using a menstrual cup, or is one those women who may wrap up their stuff in a plastic bag and bring it home with them to avoid leaving it in someone else's garbage.

Whether she lied or not, playing Sherlock Holmes with her period supplies and pressing her for straightforward answers about her method is pretty creepy.

OP is clearly TA in multiple ways in this situation, hopefully, he's open to really listening and reflecting on why his behavior was weird and invasive.

Sources: Reddit
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