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Entitled in-laws demand a TV for the dog while visiting; husband won't 'cater' to them.

Entitled in-laws demand a TV for the dog while visiting; husband won't 'cater' to them.

Reddit: a safe space for s#%!*ing on your in-laws.

When a request was simply too stupid for one man to fill, he came to the internet (again - read below) to vent and hopefully get a little validation. You decide if he's in the wrong or not...

'AITA (Am I the a-hole) for telling my in-laws that we are not getting a tv for their dog when they come to stay?'

itsfish20 writes:

My over invasive in laws and they are now planning on coming up later this summer. Thing is they have a very eccentric dog who they cater to and treat like a baby and this dog is spoiled rotten.

He will bark nonstop for hours at a time and they just tune him out instead of trying to correct the problem.

When they go to bed they have to leave the lights and a tv on for him, or he will just cry and pace around the room until he gets what he wants.

Just recently they asked my wife if she would go out and buy a new tv for our guest room, at the moment we do not have one in there because the room only gets used a handful of times a year and the living room is just on the other side of the wall so there is really no need for another tv on the same floor.

We both said no to that request, but then were asked if we could move the one from our master down to their room when they are there, and again we said no, we are not doing that just for the dog.

There is literally nothing to put the tv on from our master as it is a 65' and will not fit on the tiny dresser we have in there.

Am I the a-hole for saying no to getting a new tv or moving my big ass one just for a dog?

Here's what Reddit had to say about this...


This is crazy, if they need a tv for the dog, why can't they bring one themselves. Problem solved. That's what I would do, and I bring everything that my dogs need wherever we go. That's a them problem, not a you problem. Lol, entitled people make me laugh.


Ya know what? Pet friendly motels probably have a television in every room. And if the dog is at the motel, you won’t have to hear the thing “cry and pace around the room until he gets what he wants”. I roll my eyes. NTA.


NTA. But in the interest of problem-solving rather than judging, do you have a spare computer monitor? You can plug a streaming device into one of those and use it as a TV. You could also suggest they use a tablet or one of their phones.


I have an old CRT monitor from like 02 somewhere in the basement but I have a feeling this won't be up to MIL's standards.


To me, the issue of a special dog TV is not the real problem. This poor animal has been trained to be a triple-decker jerk. He barks nonstop for hours? He cries and paces at night? He requires electronics for entertainment? This sounds like hell to me. And you need more robust support from your spouse, here.

And this isn't the first time OP has needed support from his wife about his in-laws...

He posted on Reddit before:

'AITA for telling my wife her parents cannot sleep in our bed when they are house sitting?'

We went out of town a few weeks ago for a wedding and my inlaws came from out of state to watch our daughter. We have a 3 bedroom house with a full guest room and bathroom on the first floor and our master and kids room upstairs.

Before moving in with me, my wife used to let her parents sleep in her bed when they would come visit and she would go sleep on the couch.

Well she asked recently if they could sleep in our master room and I right away said no, I don't want anyone other than us and our kid in our bed as it feels weird to me and we have a guest room for you know guests!

This caused a big fight to happen between my wife and me until she finally caught on to my way of seeing things, but her mom was totally offended at the notion that she was not allowed to sleep in our bed.

Am I the a-hole here because I don't want my inlaws sleeping in my bed? I asked my own parents about it and they both said they would never even think of asking since we have the guest room already available...


The in-laws wanting to sleep in your bed, not the (one would assume, perfectly lovely and comfortable) guest room.. well, it’s a dominance game. And you don’t have to play. NTA.


Yeah MIL is a huge 'I'm entitled to anything I want' type of person and we don't get along very well.

But back to the dog issue!


Being the pigheaded and stubborn Aries that I am, if my in-laws were this absurd I wouldn't let them stay in my house in the first place. Book a room, buy a caravan or put your dog in a boarding kennel for the stay. How obnoxious. NTA


Obviously they should just sleep in the master bedroom and you move to the guest room so the dog can use the TV in the master.

Heavy sarcasm.

Sources: Reddit
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