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Woman 'snitches' on hotel guests using private pool area; says, 'I feel petty.' AITA?

Woman 'snitches' on hotel guests using private pool area; says, 'I feel petty.' AITA?


'AITA for snitching πŸ€”?'

I'm currently on holiday at a adult-only hotel (18+, white wristbands) and it's on the same resort as a regular hotel (silver wristbands). We got nothing against kids (lies a little bit πŸ˜‰) but ours is 26 years old now so we no longer need to 'enjoy' all the sugarrushed screaming and yelling at busy pools.

There are electronic doors all around the resort to keep both hotels separated and we alone can open them with keycards. The hotels join at one of their pool restaurants. That's were both hotelguests can have breakfast, lunch and snacks.

There is a separated section, without a door but with a big sign at the entrance, for our hotel to sit in peace&quiet. But still; the food is at a joint location (so there are also kids grabbing food but that's a whole other story​​​​ πŸ™„) so guests from the other hotel can enter this separated section without any problems at all.

Our sitting eara leads to our pools and the other hotels sitting eara leads to their pools. Now for context: our hotel has 2 big pools and momentarily 10-15 guests & the other hotel has 4 pools and is really packed with families and adults. So as an adult I totally understand that our pools are really jealousmaking for the couples/singles at those loaded family pools.

Every single day there are adults from the other hotel who come lay&swim at our pools. We payed big bucks to stay here (€75/day more then they did) so I really feel annoyed that they do that. The (waiting)staff does nothing about it, it's maybe also not their place to do so, and are very busy emptying tables all the time.

One half of my brain thinks 'who cares, there's more then enough room for some extra adults. But my other brainhalf is being kinda petty and thinks 'it's not fair, if they want to enjoy this chill quiet almost empty pools they should've payed for it like we did.'

Anyway, yesterday I Karenly contacted costumer service and 10 minutes later a staff member walks around our pools and starts sending people without a white wristband away. I felt odly content looking at their walk of shame when they left. But sometimes my other brainhalf thinks I'm just being a petty *ss. So am I the petty a-hole for snitching?

Picture of one of the pools (with my husband in it πŸ˜‰) for additional context.
Picture of one of the pools (with my husband in it πŸ˜‰) for additional context.

Here's what people had to say to OP:

Ingrid A. says:

Was it affecting you? Were chairs still available, were servers as prompt as you needed them to be? If there was no affect - yes, you're definitely a Karen (I could understand if they were bringing kids).

Connie A. says:

Petty and a total Karen move, but NTA since those people did not pay for what they are using and they know it.

Julia F. says:

I would do the same thing to be honest! I feel like you’re kind of an AH, but, it’s fair.

Brianna C. says:

Also ANYWHERE else, traveling to private property you didn’t sign an agreement to be on IS THE SAME AS TRESPASSING. Would I be okay with living in a complex and people that don’t live there come and use the pool and gym or something? NO.

Same exact concept in my opinion. I can’t believe anyone on here thinks this woman is the AH. I’m sure she’s still enjoying her vacations, she’s just venting her frustration which is understandable!

Isabella H. says:

Imagine being so self-absorbed, pathetic, and obsessive that you monitor other people’s wristbands on vacation.

Clarisa W. says:

Classist Karen. YTA

Halie M. says:

I wouldn’t have even noticed they weren’t wearing white wristbands but I’m also not concerned about what other people are doing. You’re on vacation just try to enjoy it instead of looking for things to bother you. As long as they aren’t being disruptive or bringing in kids I literally wouldn’t have noticed or been phased by it

Amy P.


Julian T.

If I payed extra for something just to see people enjoy the thing i payed extra on knowing they did not pay for it I’d feel ripped off. NTA

Sources: Reddit
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