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'AITA for being angry at my son for not letting me see my newborn grandsons first?'

'AITA for being angry at my son for not letting me see my newborn grandsons first?'


"AITA for being angry at my son for not letting me see my newborn grandsons first?"


I (54M) have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of my oldest son Corey’s (30M) children, as he’s the last to give me grandchildren. Despite my love for Corey, I don’t have the best relationship with his wife, and the feeling is mutual.

Throughout her pregnancy, I made Corey promise that I would get to see the kids first, just like I did with all my other children. He assured me that he would make it happen. However, when the twins arrived a week ago, I was shocked to see Corey’s wife’s father holding them first at the hospital.

I couldn’t hide my disappointment, and Corey apologized, mouthing “I’m sorry.” And I didn’t handle it the same way I did with his siblings; I didn’t hug or kiss Cory, just had some small talk, congratulated them, and left abruptly.

When Cory apologized via text, explaining that his wife insisted her father be the first to see the kids and he didn’t want to cause her stress, and he would make it up to me. I exploded at him through text, expressing my anger and disappointment. He apologized again, but I blocked him.

Now, my wife and daughter, Danielle, are upset with me, claiming I’m breaking Corey’s heart and need to move on. However, I believe I have the right to be mad since he broke a simple promise.

My other sons, Andrew and Daniel, side with me, stating that Corey’s wife intentionally stirred up drama, knowing about the promise, and they’re angry at Corey for prioritizing his in-laws over me. So, AITA for being upset about Corey breaking his promise?

Here were the top rated comments from readers:

Are you 5? What is wrong with you?

Don’t insult my 5 year old child.


Is this a joke? What in the fucking world makes you think you have priority rights over another person's children? Your SON didn't squeeze those babies out, sweetie and YOU don't matter AT ALL in this scenario.

Park your outrageous sense of entitlement in the depths of the ocean where it belongs. I know why your DIL can't stand you.


Yup, yup, this is it. The selfish “I get to be fiiiiirst” mentality is ridiculous. Why would it matter who holds the baby first? It has its whole life in front of y’all and you’re worried about this one arbitrary first?

Even if if mattered, you’re bullying your son into PROMISING when your DIL is the one who’s just been through a huge ordeal-she should have the final say. No wonder she doesn’t like you.

You’re trying to make the birth of HER child all about you and your widdle fee-fees that got hurt. The baby also has virtually no immune system right now so as few people as possible should be holding it. YTA.


YTA I mean, he shouldn't have promised you that in the first place, but you are being very immature and childish. Apologize to your son and enjoy your new grandbabies or risk losing them and your son forever.


I agree. The husband absolutely had no business promising his dad first rights to hold the baby. That was not a decision for him to make solely. Also, I wouldn’t want someone who openly dislikes me to hold my baby first. What kind of nonsense is that. YTA. And doesn’t sound like they’re missing much not having a man baby in their life.


Definitely YTA. This is wild entitlement. It’s disgusting that instead of being able to focus on his wife’s recovery and new baby he was worried about placating you, seems to be a well-established dynamic. You have no right to be upset and blocking him is just a nasty over-reaction.


Right. So your son would stand over his wife in the hospital and order her around since she doesn’t have AT LEAST equal say over who comes into HER hospital room and when.

He would tell her, “Look, I know you called your parents, and they were able to get here before mine could, but they can just wait in the lobby and cool their heels for a few hours since my parents who already have other grandchildren, requires that they be the first to see our child.”

Well, that would certainly solve the problem of your not liking your DIL, since she’d be your ex-DIL within a year. (Edited to change to neutral gender for OP)

So, do you think this dad was out of line or was his daughter-in-law really trying to spite him?

Sources: Reddit
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