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Parents demand kid pay rent, so they move out; parents and siblings are pissed. AITA?

Parents demand kid pay rent, so they move out; parents and siblings are pissed. AITA?


'AITA for moving out when my parents asked me to pay rent?'

I 23 am the oldest of five siblings and I am a full time student. I also have a part time job in my field but when I complete my after degree my employer will take me on full time. I make enough from part time to pay for school and put money aside. My siblings range from 20-10.

Both of our parents work full time. I have taken on a lot of the responsibilities for keeping everything running in the house. I do the grocery shopping, the laundry as well as making suppers and doing meal prep so everyone has lunches ready to take every day.

I also get all my siblings to do their part with regards to household chores. For example my youngest brother is responsible for feeding and walking the dogs. So I make sure that there is dog food in the storage and poop bags on the leash.

My dad works very long hours and my mom works 9-5 at a hard job.

Over Christmas I had a chance to buy a PS5 for myself so I did. The rest of my family is still using a shared PS4. I keep mine in my room and I do not share.

My parents started fielding complaints from my oldest brother about how I made so much money and I don't share the things I buy for myself. Totally true. So they had a talk with me where they brought this up. I pointed out how much of the household work I did and they said it wasn't fair that o was earning so much money without contributing. They told me how much they expected from me.

I went to my room and did the math. If I gave them what they wanted I would have about $800 a month left over. If I dropped a couple of classes next semester I could go to almost full time hours with my employer and and it would only be one more year until I graduated with my second degree. But I could afford my own place and I would have way more free time and disposable income.

I packed up and moved out. Everything I owned fit in my car. I stayed at an Airbnb for two weeks until I could get everything sorted with an apartment, school, and work. It was great. I'm not going to lie I may have gone a little overboard on Tinder. I couldn't have women over to my parents house.

I just moved into my own apartment. I'm staying part time until I finish this semester. I will work full time over the summer and go to a lighter class load/higher work hours in the fall. My oldest brother has been tasked by my parents to do everything I used to do. His chores have been split up with the other three. They are all pissed at me for moving out.

My parents are upset that I left them in the lurch. My siblings are mad that they all have more chores. My oldest brother is especially salty because he has no free time to see his girlfriend and she isn't allowed in the house when my parents aren't home.

I'm enjoying my free time. I bought myself a plant from IKEA.

I feel bad for screwing them all over but it didn't make sense for me to do all that work and pay rent on top.

Info from OP:

All the chores were split fairly. I wasn't doing any more than anyone else. I thought it was fair until I was asked to out in money as well. It was dishes, vacuuming, yard work, etc. The list goes on.

Regarding doing all the chores for myself now, there is a difference between doing laundry and cooking for one person and seven.

The plant is a bonsai ficus.

I was allowed to entertain gentleman callers. Not in my bedroom obviously. But my parents are struggling with me being bi.

The problem only came up when they wanted me to do my share and contribute a fair bit of my money for rent. That made me redo the calculations.

Note: OP corrected someone in the comments, saying they are a girl, not a boy.

Here's what people had to say:


NTA. 'I bought myself a plant from IKEA.' This honestly made me smile.

Sav273 writes:

Yes. That plus unlimited banging. Wholesome, and awesome. Congrats sir, or ma’am.

mdthomas writes:

You're 23 and have the means to live on your own. Now your siblings can see why you moved out. NTA

Apotak writes:

OPs siblings have seen a great example. I bet they'll move out as soon as they can, leaving the parents without their household slaves.

Kirin2013 writes:

NTA at all. Brother is learning a valuable lesson on life now. Beggars can't be choosers. You aren't a beggar and get to choose however!

DisgruntledPelican54 writes:



Shocked Pikachu Face

WhatTheFoxWrites writes:

NTA. Now they get neither chores nor rent from you. They played themselves. Enjoy your apartment!

Sources: Reddit
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