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'AITA for refusing to eat what my SIL cooked when she knew I was a vegetarian?' UPDATED

'AITA for refusing to eat what my SIL cooked when she knew I was a vegetarian?' UPDATED

"AITA for refusing to eat what my SIL cooked when she knew I was a vegetarian?"

I (f28) have been a vegetarian for over 10 years, and all my family knows and respects that. Even my sister-in-law (f25). A couple of times a year my sister-in-law and brother (m24) visit us in New York from Florida. Usually my sister-in-law will cook something for one of the nights that they stay for dinner.

This time she ended up cooking a roast chicken dinner, with beef rice, and a shepherds pie, which does have ground lamb. I told my sister-in-law that I couldn’t eat that because I’m a vegetarian, in case she had forgotten. She told me that she spent over 3 hours cooking and that I was going to deal with it and eat it, or not eat for that night.

Note from OP: "She did not cook it in my kitchen thankfully."

I told her to calm down and that I was just going to make myself a salad. This made her break down in tears saying that I was disrespectful to her and the hours she spent cooking. While this was happening I just made a salad and ate it in the living room.

To this my sister-in-law told me that I was never allowed to eat her cooking again. Which to me wouldn’t be a big deal because she continues to make non vegetarian meals. So, AITA?


arkilljoy says:

You are disrespectful to her? The audacity of some people. She is disrespectful to you by making dinner with meat in it at your home. In your kitchen. Definitely NTA, but SIL sure is one.

PotatoBubby says:

NTA. I’m a vegetarian and this is wild to me. My family might give me a hard time but even they make sure I am fed. But even then, I think we all have to get over the “you’re gonna eat it and you’re gonna like it or I’m gonna be sad / you’ll be hungry” thing. This is why we all have a bad relationship with food.

SnooSprouts6712 says:

NTA. Is she trying to tell you something entirely unrelated to food? Her meat extravaganza seems to be a demonstration of some kind.

Blah_E-78 OP responded:

I agree she tries to put me out if my comfort zone and I feel there is more to thus then food

Left-Car6520 says:

I don't... this doesn't make sense.

In the past, a couple of times a year, she has always cooked a vegetarian friendly meal, but this night she suddenly decided to cook a bunch of meat and throw a fit? Why? How?

Also who cooks a roast chicken and shepherd's pie and beef with rice for a dinner for four? With no vegetable sides at all? What kind of weird meal combo is that?

Blah_E-78 OP responded::

I completely agree I was totally shocked when she set it out on the table

TemptingPenguin369 says:

NTA. She came into your home, where she was staying for free, and deliberately went out and bought food to cook that included chicken, beef and lamb? Then tells you she was basically sending you to bed without dinner because you wouldn't eat it?

Did your brother go along with this? I'm sorry no one had your back, but at least you can make sure they're never your house guests again!

Blah_E-78 OP responded:

Yes I most definitely will not be letting her stay again!

sarilarifari5 says:

NTA And she basically went out of her way to make sure that every side dish also contains some kind of meat. What's up with that?? Seems pretty intentional.

Blah_E-78 OP responded:

I completely agree its like she tried to get me out of my comfort zone

lellyla says:

NTA Excuse me, she visited at YOUR HOME and said you eat the meat she cooked or you are not allowed to eat for the night? Is she seriously that deluded? Please tell her that she is projecting, she is the disrespectful one, and she is not allowed to visit again.

Blah_E-78 OP says:

I will insure her that she is not allowed to stay at my home if she is to visit again.

Update from OP:

My brother ended up taking my SIL outside to cool her down, told her that she needs to make something that I could eat next time or he would make sure they didn’t stay at my house again.

My brother was completely unaware of what monstrosity of a meal my SIL made. For background information my brother was the only one who supported me throughout the vegetarian start as my family stated it was “just a faze”

Sources: Reddit
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