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Woman asks 'AITA?' for refusing to hold baby nephew because she 'doesn't like kids.'

Woman asks 'AITA?' for refusing to hold baby nephew because she 'doesn't like kids.'


Not every adult is comfortable around kids. But taking an anti-kid stance can be pretty controversial, especially around new parents. This woman asked commenters to weigh in on a conflict involving her sister, and her sister's baby:

AITA for not wanting to hold my nephew?

After a very tough pregnancy my (25f)sister gave birth to my nephew. He was premature by over 8 weeks, but recently came home healthy. We live together with my parents while we finish college/grad school.

I (24m) have always had a pretty strong aversion to kids even when I was one(Im told i avoided my newborn cousin when I was 4). Anyways, I don't like kids. My sister obviously has the kid at dinner/when my family sits together, and sometimes pushes a stroller behind me when I walk the family dogs.

This is all fine, but she keeps trying to get me to hold him, tickle him, ect. and I really don't feel comfortable about it. She even recently put him next to me in my bed while I was sleeping, and was taking pictures of it.

I tried to tell her I really don't want to be touching the kid, and that I just get very sleeved out about it. She got pissed, told my parents, and my mom told me I had to go to a psychiatrist to talk about it, because "Not wanting to touch or be around your nephew is unhealthy."

AITA for this?

Additional info that may/may not matter: I recently got tested and it's highly likey I'm autistic. I also don't feel any love or attachment to the baby. I don't hate him, I just feel nothing besides mildly grossed out by him.

Commenters are divided. Here's what some people had to say:

From HeirOfRavenclaw:

Your mother is foolish to suggest that you need therapy because you have different views regarding children.

F**k the haters, not everyone cares about babies. NTA

From LWdkw:

Absolutely refusing to touch your own new born nephew's falls way beyond the range of 'different views' and suggest either trauma or neurodivergency.

From EbonyDoe:

NTA your sister and parents need to accept not everyone wants to deal with a kid. SHE had the kid, SHE can deal with it.

From KitchenDismal9258:

NTA. Your mother and sister are the ones crossing boundaries here. Maybe they need to talk to their psychiatrist as to why they think they need to force you to hold a child you clearly are uncomfortable spending time with.

Will you be in a position to move out soon? When do you finish school? You're caught between a bit of a rock and a hard place because I can't see your mother and sister backing down here because it's your mothers house.. They are very much in the wrong but they will push it.

From Kaizen2468:

Kind of. I hate holding infants as well, but I did hold my niece for a picture for my sister. It’s a small thing to make an exception for someone you should love.

That said they are assholes for shaming you and badgering you about it.

From chocobocho:


Are you doing anything to work on your aversion? You're not TA for not wanting to touch/hold your nephew right now. But YWBTA if you didn't work on it. Your nephew is here to stay, my dude. And he's gonna grow into a fully cognizant person that realizes his uncle avoids him like the plague. If you want your relationship with your family to not deteriorate, you gotta find a way to not just tolerate, but actually connect with your nephew.

What do you think? Should she work on overcoming her "aversion" to children so she can bond with her nephew? Or is she well within her right to keep her distance (until he grows up, at least)?

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