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Woman snaps at aunt judging her for not being married, 'you and my uncle didn't last.'

Woman snaps at aunt judging her for not being married, 'you and my uncle didn't last.'


Nosy judgmental people do not like getting a taste of their own medicine, under any circumstances.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for serving judgment right back to her aunt. She wrote:

"AITA for bringing up my aunt's ex-husband after she kept pushing me to get married?"

My (32F) aunt (55F) is one of those nosy ladies you'd think only exists in rom-coms. When I was a teen she asked me when I’d get a boyfriend, when I was in a steady relationship she asked me when I was getting married, and the marriage inquisition became even more invasive after my younger sister (28F) got married this month – which probably gave my aunt probable cause to label me as the family's “spinster.”

In the wedding party, she kept asking me why I had broken up with my ex-boyfriend, she said how she always thought we’d ended up married soon, and she advised me to get serious about this if I ever plan to have kids, because I’m not getting any younger. It came to a point where I couldn’t keep my mouth shut anymore.

Granted, I could have just asked her to stay out of my business, but since she was bringing up things about my personal life, I assumed it was fair to do the same. So I said something like: “even getting married is not a guarantee you’d be with someone forever, look at you and Uncle X, I’m sure you thought it would be eternal love yet now he’s with someone else.”

It was the same as slapping her in the face; she accused me of being disrespectful and left the table on the verge of tears. My mother (her sister) came to ask me what I had said, because my aunt was crying in the bathroom, and she told me to go after her and apologize. I refused. Was I really the AH here?

The internet came in swinging with hot takes.

Iamthewalrus2005 wrote:

I find it amazing that family members get away with intruding into our lives, and then act surprised when we clap back. She was intrusive and crossed a personal boundary. And honestly, you didn’t sound rude. You were making a great point as to why you weren’t married. NTA.

Any_Difficulty_9522 wrote:

NTA. While it may be a touchy subject for your aunt, you had a very valid point! Marriage is not something that should be rushed, and for all she knows you may not want to get married or have a family. Times are very different nowadays, women can have bigger dreams than getting married.

Thoughtinspace wrote:

NTA. Your aunt’s relationship problems are the core of her pestering. You stepped on her emotional landmine. You gotta let em know.

Ms_Saphira wrote:

NTA!! People are always quick to judge others from their glass houses then want to act all attacked when their houses crack. As someone who has gotten the when are you getting married questions for far longer than I have ever wished to... I applaud you!! 👏🏽 Hopefully she won't try that again, and if she's upset, then she shouldn't have kept interrogating you over your own life choices.

Especially after your break up. It could have been traumatic for you and her harping on about him being your one, could have been completely hurtful and insensitive. She needed to learn that actions have consequences and hopefully, now she does. But you are NTA. 🌻

PS. My final answer to the when are you getting married questions was "why?"? I got asked a few times by the same people and when I asked them "why would I?" they sputtered and said " to be happy," I asked them why they thought I couldn't be happy without marriage...? Crickets.😐... lol. They have not asked me about it again 😂🤣 it's been a couple of years now and I'm still not married 💃🏽😉😂🤣

OP is NTA, her aunt just clearly wasn't ready to receive a heaping dose of her own medicine.

Sources: Reddit
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