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The 9 best fast food french fries ranked by people on Reddit.

The 9 best fast food french fries ranked by people on Reddit.


In a post on Reddit ThoughtBig1353 asked:

'What fast food restaurant has the best French fries?'

In a friendly debate people jumped in with their favorites, and added twists for the ways they like to customize them, how to reheat them at home, and even a few 'fry hacks.' Take a look and let us know what you think!

9. With over 60 votes DragonflyArtistic206 says, Burger King beat all of them!

wwaxwork says:

Love their fries. Not too salty, not greasy and you can taste the potato.

mistarobotics says:

Omg someone gets it 😭

hopelesslyromantic4u says:

They have really upped their fry game. I was surprised last time I had them.

8. With over 75 votes Riin183 says, Shake shack

CrispyCrunchyPoptart says:


Shake shack is soo good! They don’t have one in my new city though

spartanmaybe says:

My city doesn't have one either, but I visited the OG Shake Shack in NYC last summer and holy f**k. Five Guys and McDonalds and Wendy's no longer compare.

7. With over 130 votes underground_veggie says, Popeyes

bhumikapatel says:

So crispy. So soft. So tasty.

LeynaSepKim says:

Very underrated, love them

I-choochoochoose-you says:

Only fries I can order via ubereats and they arrive bomb


6. With over 150 votes Zestyclose-Salary729 says, Wendy’s

Peteszahh says:

Only when I’m scooping some frosty with them

gagirlpnw says:

That's the best way. I miss the old version from the 90's. Those were the best with a Frosty.

jsprgrey says:

I dunk my nuggets in the frosty too, so good 🤤

5. With over 250 votes karamel_kupcake says, I mean... taco bell nacho fries will always have my heart...

pupperoni0108 says:

The true winner right here 🏆

ThoughtBig1353 says:

Yes 👏🏼

MyKindOfLullaby says:

Same here, they’re so good and seasoned so well!

Ochikobore says:

I was surprised by how much I liked them.

4. With almost 300 votes Ilovethe90sforreal says, Checkers, man

Navi-bee says:

Checkers allll daaaay.

ThoughtBig1353 says:

I guess I need to find a Checkers 😂

authorized_sausage says:

You can get the Checkers/Rallys fried in the frozen potato section and they come out amazing in the air fryer. ... or a deep fryer (obv). But air fryer is cleaner.

3. With over 500 votes, kateowen says, Arby's curly fries!

Sunny_Snark says:

Dipped in the cup of cheese!

tymoxxie says:

with the broncoberry sauce

2. With over 700 votes RubY-F0x says, Five guys. Even better if they're the Cajun ones.

ThoughtBig1353 says:

Yes! Five guys reigns supreme with both burgers and fries 🤤

Effective_Thought918 says:

I love getting the fries and the milkshakes. They’re so delicious!

maybe_butmaybenot says:

that’ll be $47

stefsnacks says:

Five guys fries with a ton of vinegar 🤤

aladams158 says:

Normally I would agree, but my local five guys goes crazy with the Cajun seasoning. It’s like they’re trying to drown them in that spicy goodness, it’s too much!

Chchchchancho says:

Mine does the same, I usually order two small sizes, one cajun and one regular, and just mix them together

1. With over 1700 votes, Cheezees says, Honestly? McDonald's.

throwaway19074368 says:

We have waffle fries at McDonald’s in Austria! They’re so good!

CactusinPajamas says:

I always add extra salt to them <3

ThoughtBig1353 says:

But if you wait too long then they’re below mediocre 👎🏼

authorized_sausage says:

Jim Gaffigan has a whole bit about this. And about how if you try to microwave them they turn into packing peanuts.


Pop them in your air fryer. Good as new!


We have Poutine at McDonald's in Canada👍

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