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Woman tells pregnant friend her baby names will get child 'bullied,' friend ghosts her.

Woman tells pregnant friend her baby names will get child 'bullied,' friend ghosts her.


Your name can shape your whole reality. Which is why picking a name for your kid is a major choice.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for telling her pregnant friend her child will get bullied over her name choices. She wrote:

"AITA for telling my pregnant friend that her kid was going to get bullied for the name she plans on using?"

One of my friends found out she was pregnant a few months ago, and she's really excited to be a mother. I'm happy for her and think she'd make a good mom, but there's one problem; she wants her baby's name to be unique and special, but the way she's going about it is terrible.

What I mean is, the name she plans on using is godawful. If it's a boy, she's going to name him "Daynger" (yes, spelled like that to be unique), and if it's a girl, she's going to name her "Tinkerbelle". I wish I was joking. I asked her if she was 100% sure, and suggested if she was dead set on those names to make them the kid's middle name.

When she asked why, I told her flat out that the child would get bullied if she named them that. I know just how sh#$ty kids can be; I got bullied for my name, and changed it when I was 19. She got really upset and told me I was being unsupportive and I was a sh#$ty friend. She's been ignoring my texts ever since, and it's been more than a week. I'm starting to feel kind of guilty over what I said. AITA?

People had lots to say.

ButterMyParsnip wrote:

Danger Danger

High Voltage

When we touch, when we kiss

Sorry for anyone who doesn't get the reference, but that was my immediate thought when I read this. NTA. Stop calling kids stupid names.

Regular-Switch454 wrote:

Ehhh NTA. The kid will be bullied. They will be forced to work minimum wage fast food jobs because nobody in the corporate world would ever accept Daynger’s or Tinkerbelle’s resume. And what if they wanted to run for office? A baby’s name should work for them from birth to school to career to retirement.

She’s only thinking of how cute a baby Daynger/Tinkerbelle would be and not thinking of how much her tween will hate her for that name.

RunningBurger wrote:

I think putting those names as a second name is a good solution. A normal name as the first one, for the kids, and these names as a second name, for the mom. NTA- never in a million years I would name my child either of that but if she really wants it her choice.

Purpleteapothead wrote:

NTA. I mean- at least Tinkerbell, awful though it is, has two semi- normal nicknames built in: Tink and Belle. There’s no way to hide Daynger. Holy hell. Someone had to tell her.

whoopiedo wrote:

NTA. Has she heard of nicknames? Nicknames allow you to name a child something that everyone can pronounce, spell, and not look at you sideways while still allowing you to call them by those fun names that sound great on a 3y.o. but not on the leader of your country.

OP is NTA here, her friend obviously needed a wake-up call.

Sources: Reddit
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