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17 people share worst example of 'out of touch with reality' they've ever witnessed.

17 people share worst example of 'out of touch with reality' they've ever witnessed.


Watching a wealthy person process that most people don't have a summer house can be a harrowing test of patience, but we've all had at least one interaction with someone who is hilariously tone deaf and wildly out-of-touch...

It can be tempting to bail on the situation and report a direct flight back to reality, but setting an example and practicing humility can go a long way. So, when a Reddit user asked, 'What's the most you've seen someone be so out of touch with reality?' people were ready to vent.


'My house isn't that big, I only have 6 bedrooms' -One of my classmates. This amazed me because the average number of bedrooms people have in my area are 3-4 (UK), it was just the way they said it as if it wasn't a big deal.

This is a pretty big house in a fairly affluent area, the house is built further off the road (which is usually uncommon in the UK) and often referred to as a mansion in our friendship group, as a joke.

Bedrooms are actual bedrooms and they also have other rooms such as an office etc. I'm not sh$tting on the rich, it just amazes me that some who are very fortunate can be blindsided. - [deleted]


A guy I know once told me that dinosaurs were a hoax. And dinosaur bones were floating in space when God formed the Earth, that's why they're trapped in the ground. - [deleted]


About 3 years ago and I had a young woman, probably early 20s, come into the cafe I work at. She ordered herself and drink and a pastry of some sort. Her total around $6.

She proceeded to hand me a 1 dollar bill and 6 quarters. I took the money and waited for her to procure more but she just stood there staring at me. I told her, 'I'm sorry, it's $6.87,' or whatever. She says, 'I know I gave you 7.'

I said, 'No, this is only $2.25.' She took the money from my hand and counted each item in front of me like I was stupid, counting each item as $1. I pointed to the quarters ans told her, 'Those are quarters, not dollars.'

Keep in mind this person was obviously not foreign or anything. She had no accent and seemed completely American. Anyway, her response was, 'I know they're quarters, but they're dollars.'

She then proceeded to pick up one of the quarters and point to the word 'dollar' inscribed on the bottom beneath George's head. At this point I was thinking, this is the single dumbest person I've ever seen or this is the worst con ever conceived, but she didn't give up.

She demanded to speak to a manager. I got the manager and he told her the same thing. She started getting visibly upset, and holding back tears. She might have been embarrassed.

Best I can figure is that she somehow never learned about money and change somehow and used it so rarely that she assumed quarters were dollars because technically the word 'dollar' was on the coin. - pachacutec


I work in advertising. Lots of creatives and producers in this industry who are SUPER out of touch with reality. Mostly it manifests itself in people taking credit for huge societal fads just because they used it once in an ad.

So for example, let's say we used the word 'epic' in an ad at some point- that creative will believe that they are responsible for how often the word epic has been used since then.

Occasionally it will manifest itself in crazier ways. I once had to try to explain to a creative why a radio spot couldn't detect a listener's name and then automatically insert that name into the VO. - TRAMAPOLEEN


My brother's best friend married a pretty rich girl. He said the first time he saw her do laundry she was going through her pockets and throwing her loose change in the garbage. She had no idea that people kept their change. Genuinely thought everyone just threw it away. - i_want_that_boat


'You don't have to go to college and I'm not helping you with fafsa because Armageddon is coming soon and we'll all be in a heavenly paradise. You should spend your time going door to door in the field ministry until Armageddon comes instead.' - my mom. - CylentShadow


My friend's parents once spent around $60,000 on a trip to Florida- which could've paid for my friend's entire college career or get their house out of foreclosure. -DeadCatsForSale


I have a co-worker who once got visibly upset because I said he was about the same age as my parents. He's 51. My parents are 53.

I'd like to point out that I didn't just say this out of the blue. He asked how old my parents were, and I knew his age, so I made the comparison. He also said things like 'I work out you know, I'm stronger than guys half my age.' Very much a man child in denial.- underlavenderskies


Having a conversation about homelessness where the person I was talking to suggested that homeless people wanted to be homeless, for if they didn't want to be homeless, they'd just go to the bank and take some money out of their fat bank account to get a home with. - Tired8281


Had a coworker ask me what denomination I am. I replied I don't believe in god. She was so dumbfounded that she didn't have a reply. 3 days later she came back and asked if I was worried about going to hell, or what Jesus would think. Had to explain I didn't believe in those either.

She had no idea atheism existed. She was told in church that atheists were just people who were mad at god, but she thought that still meant they were religious. She was 43 years old. - Ganglebot


I live in London as a welfare rep for American students. Knowing that American college costs a bundle, and the program to come over costs a load too, these students tend to be the richest and whitest of suburbia.

One day the WiFi went down and I may as well have told them that there was no drinking water in the U.K.

About 40 students were knocking on my door telling me it wasn't acceptable and that they were calling their 'daddys' to sort it 'My daddy is a lawyer, so if you think you're getting money for this accomodation when I haven't had WiFi you've got another think coming.' (that sorta thing!)

I tried to calm them down, let them know it would be back on in an hour or two when one of them said the following line:

'You can't blame us for being upset, we grew up in 'THE FIRST WORLD''...I was flabbergasted, not only did she talk about being from 'the first world' (who does that) like that is something to be proud of.

But her entire argument was 'Everything in my life has always been easy and perfect... how dare you take away the most minor of utilities for 3 hours' - [deleted]


Got a good one. I went to school in At UBC for a year and lived in the dorms. One of the super rich Chinese kids that populated my school lived on the same floor as me. Her first day there she took a shower in the public bathroom and then just left all her clothes strewn about. She assumed the maid would come pick them up an wash them. - FunctionBuilt


I used to work in a pizza place and my boss (the owner) was one of the strangest guys I've ever met. He used to tell me that the world was run by 'reptilian aliens' and that the moon was their base.

He knew this because NASA once hit something off the moon and it 'sounded like a bell' and thus must be hollow and full of lizard people. Left that job after 3 weeks. - Gyratetojackjarvis


My boss' daughter has 4 or 5 DUIs so they took her license away and installed the Uber app on her phone. She tells people she has a personal driver. - purplehayes


I work at a recording studio. The amount of people who think they're going to be the next big thing is scary. - WetHotTrots


Some years ago, I worked in a mailroom. The boss of my boss was talking about one of her family members, who had some kind of emergency, and had to come up with $30,000. She said to my boss and I...and I'll never forget this: 'I don't understand the problem..I mean, who DOESN'T have $30,000 saved for an emergency?!?' .... I work in a mailroom. - BoxingRaptor


Ok. So I was 15, and working at McDonalds. I was at the back window where you take peoples money. A customer came, and blew past the back speaker where you order. That was pretty typical, so I figured it was just a normal mistake.

When they get to my window it is the very old lady. She smiles at me, holds a grocery bag up, with frozen chicken and a two liter of soda. She holds out a 20$ bill and asks 'how much for the chicken and soda?'

15 year old me didn't have the coping skills for this. I stared at her for what felt like forever. Finally I said 'Uh, I think you're confused'...She drove off, with her car half way over the curb. - berfica

Sources: Reddit
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