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Man's parrot turns out to be "toxic." Family keeps their distance from the evil bird.

Man's parrot turns out to be "toxic." Family keeps their distance from the evil bird.


When this man feels like his parrot might be ruining his relationships, he asks Reddit:

'AITA for adopting a talking parrot that won't stop insulting my in-laws?'

I (32 m) am in a bit of a pickle and need your honest judgment. So, here's the situation: I recently adopted a beautiful parrot, let's call him Percy, who has an unusual talent—he talks. But here's the catch: Percy seems to have a particular dislike for my in-laws and constantly insults them. Am I the a-hole for keeping Percy around despite the drama? Hear me out!

Let me start by saying that Percy is truly a remarkable bird. He's got a vibrant plumage, an extensive vocabulary, and an uncanny ability to mimic human speech. It was love at first squawk when I first met him at the local pet store. Little did I know what I was getting myself into!

Now, my in-laws are, well, not the easiest people to get along with. They can be demanding, critical, and judgmental. And somehow, Percy picked up on their less-than-desirable traits. Whenever they visit, he unleashes a barrage of insults and snarky remarks directed solely at them. From mocking their fashion choices to imitating their annoying habits, Percy spares no mercy.

I must admit, at first, I found it mildly amusing. It was like having a feathery comedian in our midst, and it brought some levity to tense family gatherings. But as time went on, it became clear that Percy's jabs were causing tension and hurt feelings. My in-laws started avoiding our home, and family dinners turned into awkward affairs. At one point the bird was called 'toxic.'

My spouse is torn between supporting me and maintaining peace with their parents. They're urging me to find a new home for Percy, arguing that family harmony should take priority. But here's where I need your judgment, Reddit. Should I give up my entertaining yet troublesome parrot to keep the peace? Or should I stand my ground and hope that my in-laws develop a sense of humor?

I genuinely care about Percy and feel attached to him. Rehoming him would break my heart, but I also don't want to strain my relationship with my in-laws further. So, AITA for keeping Percy around despite the chaos he creates? Is there a way to find a compromise that preserves both family harmony and the joy Percy brings to our lives? I'm all ears, or should I say, feathers!

Let's see what internet users had to say.

weakrhubarb writes:

YTA. Parrots get their vocabulary and 'intelligence' from humans. They are 'parroting' what they see or hear. Maybe you should be looking at your own behavior that the bird is mimicing. SMH birds don't know fashion!

amezrou writes:

NTA it’s your home not theirs, you get to decide who lives in it - if they didn’t like your decor would you change it? Percy sounds great and rehoming him would be stressful for him too, parrots are really intelligent and bond to their people. Maybe compromise a bit and spend time with the in-laws in a different room or outside if you can.

quicheapoodle writes:

NTA, but this is awkward. Birds usually bond quite strongly with one person and can be quite aggressive toward anyone who is not the person they bonded with, especially when that person is present.

They are a bit more forgiving when their main person isn't around. I wonder if this is the result of bonding and is the verbal equivalent of attacking people Percy views as a threat to you. BTW, is Percy has bonded with you, and it seems he has, separating him from you would be rather damaging.

So, is OP TA? Does he need to get rid of this parrot?

Sources: Reddit
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