The first time I met my ILs they called me Rose. My husband, then boyfriend, told them my name was Rosie but for some reason they assumed my actual name had to be Rose and so that is how they first addressed me. I corrected them and said it was actually just Rosie. FIL was like oh, not a nickname? I said no, not a nickname, my legal name.
They both made faces and I was kind of freaked out because while I have been asked before what Rosie is a nickname for, nobody outside of my third grade teacher made such a big deal over my name. After that they tried a bunch of different Rose names to see 'which one it was.' My husband told them repeatedly that my name was nothing but Rosie.
Not really sure if they didn't believe us or were hoping I would adopt one of them. I have been called Rosalie, Rosalind, Rosemary, Roseanne, Rosabelle, Rosella, Rosamund, etc. Each time they have been corrected. After a little while of calling me Rosie, they went back to saying Rose. They have introduced me to others as Rose, called out my name as Rose. They won't stop.
Now that I'm about to be a mom myself I am less patient and understanding of this so I have started to ignore them when they call me Rose. They dislike that. Last time I did it in front of other people my ILs know. My husband was laughing so hard and said his parents rude behavior deserves being ignored.
They feel like I am petty and say Rose just sounds more like a grown woman than Rosie does and why can't I let them call me Rose. I told them because Rose is not my name and they are trying to make a point about my name and I do not like it. They told me at the very least I should not be ignoring them like that in front of others and it's embarrassing to call me Rosie in front of other adults. AITA?
judgeeveryonesbiznes wrote:
NTA - or you can ramp it up a notch and call them something completely different than their names. you could literally call them MIL and FIL tell them that works better for you. Or Elenore and Richard - those sound like grown up names.
RandoName44 wrote:
NTA. They are super disrespectful.
I'd name my kid something like Jenny or Billy instead of formal versions just to piss them off.
judgingA-holes wrote:
NTA. If they don't want to get ignore then they simply need to call you by your correct name. That is your name so they shouldn't be embarrassed, and if they introduced you properly to people then they wouldn't feel embarrassed to call you by your real name.
You aren't the one being petty they are for refusing to use your name. I'm glad that your husband can see the humor in this and has been repeatedly telling them to use your real name instead of telling you to 'go with the flow to keep peace.'
The__Riker__Maneuver wrote:
And this is our daughter in law Rose
Actually, my name is Rosie, not Rose. Nice to meet you.
F#@k it Keep embarrassing them. If they get upset, they can deal with it. NTA.
Stlhockeygrl wrote:
NTA. The other people listening in are 1) getting a bit of drama llama thrill and 2) seeing how immature his parents are. Which is kinda funny since their complaint is Rosie sounds childish.
OP is definitely NTA, she's just winning the game her in-laws are forcing her to play.