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Woman discovers her husband is cheating on her with her sister, and then he disappears. UPDATED 3X

Woman discovers her husband is cheating on her with her sister, and then he disappears. UPDATED 3X

"Husband (30M) Cheated on me (27F) with my own sister (21F). Upset. Confused. Angry."

Forgive me if its confusing in places, I'm still shaking and confused by the whole situation. So me and my partner have been together for 6 years, live together and have a 5 week old daughter. Me and my sister had a very close relationship since my parents haven't always been the best or supportive figures in our lives so we clung together and would even consider myself the 'mother and father figure' in her life.

Mine and my partners relationship has been fairly strained since my daughter has been born. He would stay late at work, be dismissive when I would want to communicate our feelings and huff and puff when I would tend to our daughter. I had a fairly rough pregnancy and quite a traumatic birth so my libido and over all body confidence is scarce.

I don't feel like being intimate most days and my partner would give me the silent treatment but I never worried about him being unfailful. I was feeding my daughter on the sofa tonight with my husband sitting next to me, we were both watching TV and his phone kept vibrating but I had a feeling something wasn't right with the amount of notifications and how quickly he would answer.

He got up to go to the bathroom and he didn't take his phone with him this time. I grabbed it, put the pass code in and had a look who the messages were coming from. It was my sister. Before I looked at the messages my heart dropped and my heart was in my mouth when I started looking at the messages.

There was explicit conversation about how i'm not "putting out" like I used to which was a knife in my chest. They had met about 4 times in which I realised was the times where I was taking myself to the doctor for scans and check ups and getting shopping for my grandparents. I am beyond distraught.

I have no idea what to do, where to go and how to go about confronting them. I feel like my whole world has come crashing down. I have lost my husband and my sister.

Update #1:

A lot has happened since I last posted. A lot came out, alot has been said and now its all out on the table. I called an aunt of mine after I posted and saw some comments saying I should have a friend or family member by.

I packed my baby a bag, bottles and stuff for a short stay with my aunty who's been close by for the pregnancy and knows how to look after my baby because I don't want my child in the house whilst I talk about this. My husband was confused and was asking why I was packing stuff for her and not me also. I told him he will see.

I texted my sister "Come over right now." And she pushed why and called me but I just messaged her to get over here. Took her about 15 minutes to come and my aunt came and took my daughte in that time and my husband was getting increasingly worried. When my sister pulled up my husband's arse fell out. The sudden look of realisation hit him and he started crying.

My sister came in and I told her to sit down and I did as you all asked, took pictures of the chat, her number and all the contense that was on the chat, pulled it up on the smart TV and told them both to tell me WTF had been going on. Admittedly I did look quite insane but I didn't care.

She started crying he started saying he was sorry over and over and I explained they had broken me l, how I raised my sister and gave my husband a daughter and THIS is how they repay me!? They confessed it had been happening for at least 7 months. He slept with her in our bed a couple of times and they said it wasn't like they were in love with each other (!!!???).

Getting a lawyer in the morning, he's confessed to kissing a co-worker also. I'll be picking my daughter up in an hour and he's currently packing his sh!t whilst my sister is crying and begging me to not disown her, I'm ignoring it whilst I'm writing this.

Really see I can only depend on myself in this time and divorce is an only option for me because I don't want my daughter thinking men can do this to her. He's begging me and they are both begging me but I'm not cracking, they made their bed they can lie in it. Thank you everyone for your support and kindness

Update #2, posted a week later:

Hi guys I first want to say how thankful I am that people were so supportive and even went out of their way to message me. I really appreciate you all for that and it has given me a lot of strength 🙏🏻 this is an update following on from my last post and whats happened in the week that followed.

That night I was in shock and went into 'Get Away From Me' mode. I just wanted them out my house and not in my vision. There was lots of trying to persuade me, apologising, crying and it was chaos.

My partner left with things in a bag and presumably went to his mother's and he's yet to make a return... My sister was quite distraught and I felt she was truly sorry but it doesn't make what happened go away. She left not long after and I collected my daughter.

It was a Christmas that didn't feel much like Christmas and spent it with my daughter alone. I cried a lot, ate a lot and decided to send my sister contact details for a therapist my therapist had recommended.

I want to give her the space we both need right now and following on from the suspected grooming going on from when she was younger with my partner (just assumptions at this point) its her chance to open up about it if that was the case.

As for my partner he's not messaged me, asked about our daughter or anything that I would of expected like "I'm really sorry this has happened..." or "can I come collect xyz" his mother has removed me from all social media and I haven't tried the number to see if she has blocked me. I honestly think he has up and ran and used his mother as a bunker.

All the legal divorce stuff is underway and I'm currently focusing on myself and my daughter. Its deeply upsetting and it all caught up to me a few days after but I'm doing better now. Thanks for all the concern and support ❤ I also hope to use this experience to now help others on here

Update #3, posted a month later:

Hello again, nice to finally be back. I took a good month off all social media in general just to clear my head and a few things up. Can I just say I received 78 private messages from people with overwhelming amounts of support and advice since posting the first post????

Divorce is up and running and he has signed the papers but won't come back to the house or see his daughter. Sister is a no show too and from unpopular demand I have tried to bridge the gap slightly but with no avail. I'm just accepting he has literally up and ran and won't be back anytime soon. He has been messaging me with really worrying messages though.

He asked if I was alone in the house at 3am one night, I said no because it just felt right to say that because it was really strange to be woken up by that at that time then nothing. Hasn't asked about our daughter or even the divorce proceedings he just says "hey" now and again but I'm keeping low contact for now so not replying often and to only important things.

Hasn't overtly attempted reconciliation (not that I want to) he's just acting off...he messaged me "It's time now" one day then nothing for a few days followed up by "hey" again. There's messages that have been removed by him that I didn't see but they're usually at like 3-4am.

You know when you can feel someone's personality through text? Especially when you've known someone for a while? Can't really explain it but it's weird and it's like he's a different person. My daughter and I are loving life right now and are thriving.

Sources: Reddit
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