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'Last night my husband cheated on me in our bedroom while I was in the next room.' UPDATED

'Last night my husband cheated on me in our bedroom while I was in the next room.' UPDATED

"Last night my husband was sleeping with another woman in our bedroom while I was in the next room with the kids."

My husband and I met in high school and we were completely in love. We went to different colleges but would still make time to be together. He proposed after we had both graduated and it was the sweetest thing ever. Our wedding was rather small but it was perfect.

We were renting up until he inherited his parents house after his father died. We went on to have a child and he convinced me to be a stay at home mother as his job paid well and his mom was too so he really enjoyed his childhood. We had another child and he was so happy because he had always wanted a son although he was still a great father to our daughter.

I really don't know when his drinking started getting out of hand but he is pretty much a functioning alcoholic. He started drinking every single day after work and when he was not at work. He is never physically abusive sober or drunk so that's why I did not take it as seriously as I should have.

He started acting funny so I went through his his phone and discovered that he was having an affair. I found many conversations with his mistress that he works with and it seemed that when he wasn't at work or here, he was at her place. He would make up stories about how I don't appreciate him and how I insisted on not working because I just want to stay home and watch tv all day.

Meanwhile I take care of two children, do household chores and still make sure I have dinner ready by the time he gets home. He always has clean clothes and he never even helps with the kids when he is off work because I want him to rest. Seeing him talking badly about me was the most painful thing I have ever read.

I did not even confront him, I started job searching and got myself a part time work from home job so I could be able to eventually leave. Now he does not hide things anymore, he does them right in front of me. He texts, has phone conversations with his partner/partners? and does whatever he pleases.

He does not even contribute to the household anymore. I have had to go to a food bank because all there is in the fridge is alcohol and I don't get paid much. He orders takeaways for himself and he at least sometimes shares with the kids. Last night he came home with his mistress after I had put the kids to bed.

I no longer sleep in our bedroom so I sleep in the kids' room. I don't know if he thought I was asleep or if he simply does not care. I never came out of the room until I heard them leave early in the morning. He knows very well that he is my only family and that's what hurts the most. I can't even have a conversation with him because he is constantly drunk or tipsy.

Is it the alcohol? Is this is who he really is? I don't even know what kind of advice I'm looking for because it's clearly not salvageable. I feel like I'm in a nightmare that I will never wake up from and it breaks my heart that the kids are starting to notice.

Ooof. What do you think she should do? This is what top commenters had to say:

Rake1969 said:

You absolutely need to get out, and now. What you are experiencing is abuse. Id strongly suggest contacting a shelter and getting out with the kids immediately.

strike_match said:

This is one of the most egregious betrayals I've ever heard. I hope you and your children are able to get away from this man very soon. I'm sorry that I can't be of more help.

And MelodySmith1234 said:

Divorce him and let the courts make him get a job to pay child support, there’s no reason to tough it out, it’s not like he provides. You’re already at the food bank

She later shared this update:

After going through all the comments, I realized that I needed to do better for my kids. I stopped telling myself that I needed to stay until they were older. We went to the closest shelter and it was full beyond capacity. The other one is far from here so we ended up having to go to a cheap motel.

I know its a small step but it's a step nonetheless. Anything is better than subjecting my children to abuse. I have been put in contact with the relevant people in terms of figuring out the living situation. Fortunately, my husband has not contacted me and I hope it stays that way.

I also have an appointment with a lawyer for a free consultation. I am worried about my husband possibly getting full custody when coming to custody arrangements which was why I was hesitant to leave in the first place. I guess I will have to hear what the lawyer tells me.

All these are small steps but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and at least the kids feel like it's all one big adventure. And to those weirdos who private messaged me and were being creepy, go to hell.

And to the ones who also texted me just to tell me that I was probably in a dead bedroom that's why my husband is cheating, I hope all that made you feel better about yourself. It might not look like it but my kids and I are going to be okay.

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