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15 people share the life hack that truly changed their life.

15 people share the life hack that truly changed their life.


We could all use a little help making life a smoother experience.

Regardless of how content or privileged you are, life has a tendency to throw hurdles and stressors your way in succession. So having a full toolkit of ways to make the engine of daily obligations move more efficiently can be massively helpful, particularly when your brain is a bowl of jelly beans and all you want to do is coast on autopilot.

Luckily, the internet is full of people excited to share their discoveries and the small and large hacks that work for them.

In a popular Ask Reddit thread, people shared the life hack that changed their life.

1. From Tired_tall:

When you're stuck in a rut of not being able to take care of yourself - I pretend I'm a Sim and someone is controlling me to fill all my bars back to green. For some reason, it works. It even works with cooking and doing the dishes. It's kinda fun to feel like you're leveling up in cooking or writing or something, too.

2. From kukukele:

Buying one color of socks and undershirts saves so much time on laundry.

3. From in-a-microbus:

'Just because someone is doing it wrong shouldn't stop you from doing it right.'

4. From dem4life71:

If you’re trying to lose weight, eliminate alcohol from your diet.

5. From TurboEthan:

Care less.

Leads to less stress, generally makes you better at what you’re doing. Also care less tends to help set boundaries, you’ll say yes to less nonsense when you don’t care.

6. From throwaway_4733:

Exercise. Oddly enough this gets a lot of crap on Reddit sometimes but it is an excellent depression treatment. Numerous studies have shown this and it's been shown to be just as effective at treating mild to moderate depression as medication is but without any side effects. People are not made to sit in front of screens all day.

Just get out and walk for 30-45 mins a day and it's super helpful. If you do weight training on top of that, it's a bonus.

7. From brycebgood:

Automate everything you can. Bill pay, calendar reminders for taking the garbage out, schedule the dentist a year out etc. Not having to spend mental energy remembering to do stuff makes life WAY better.

8. From ccx941:

Setting out my next day's clothes at night is so great. Even if I wake up fresh as a daisy or groggy I don’t have to make a decision, it’s already made.

9. From Chicagostupid:

Go to the Dollar store. Buy 3 or 4 cards you can write “I love you” in. Randomly give your partner one every once in awhile. Bonus points if you put them somewhere they’ll easily find them when you’re not there. It’s the little things.

10. From Littledoink77:

Metamucil! Even with a crappy diet, bathroom time is uh…as “clean” as one could hope for. One wipe and on with the day!

11. From Dizzy-Particular-258:

Understanding most of my anger issues were actually caused by anxiety. Lack of control of a situation doesn't mean I need to mentally produce a solution, and act out emotionally when the situation doesn't go the way I expect.

Shrugging and saying, 'I guess we're just going do it the dumb way today' is so much less stressful than freaking out because I'm not in control. I just go with the plan unless it's going to get someone hurt. It's been years since I remember being angry at work, I still get disappointed but it doesn't ruin my day.

12. From luckbealady92:

Instead of talking to myself like I’m myself, I try to imagine what I’d say to a friend dealing with the same struggles and imagine what I’d say to them. Then I tell that to myself.

13. From AWildRapBattle:

Express gratitude instead of remorse, whenever possible. People enjoy gratitude and generally don't know what to do with remorse (and kind of feel like they're now responsible for making you feel better). I.e. don't say 'Sorry I'm late,' say 'Thanks for your patience,' don't say 'sorry for bothering you,' say 'thanks for your time.'

14. From zenOFiniquity8:

If I'm not doing something that scares the hell out of me now and then, I'm not growing. Leaving your comfort zone feels awful at first, but the rewards are amazing (even if you fail!).

15. From CharlestonBrave:

Back in January (not a New Years resolution) I started a routine where after work, I leave my phone at home and go out and walk for at least 30 minutes. It wasn't even the exercise (which is good), but the destressing and refocusing. It's been great for my mental health.

Sources: Reddit
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