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Woman asks if she's wrong to not share inheritance with sisters written out of will.

Woman asks if she's wrong to not share inheritance with sisters written out of will.


Grandparents hate tattoos. It's a tale as old as time.

And one grandma hates tattoos so much, she's willing to withhold inheritance money from her granddaughters who have ink. The one tattoo-less granddaughter has taken to Reddit to ask if it would be wrong for her to keep the entire inheritance, in light of her grandma's rule.

The woman explains her grandma's stance:

My grandma is super against tattoos. She says they don't look good on women (my two brothers have tattoos, though, and that's fine with her). When she found out my oldest sister - there's four of us - had a tattoo (we still don't know who snitched) she took my sister out of her will.

The sisters made plans to all get inked together, until this one remembered her grandma's rule:

My other sisters and I made plans for the three of us to get tattoos in solidarity with our sister. I said I was going to do it, but then I realized how dumb that was and decided not to do it. They went through with it, though, and they were mad at me when they find out I didn't do it.

She and her brothers gave the tatted up sisters some of the money, but not an equal share:

My grandma took them off her will and when she died, my two brothers and I inherited all her money and estates. My brothers and I gave our sisters a little bit of it, but they want us to split it equally. My sisters have been pressuring me especially because I had said I was going to do that tattoo plan with them and then didn't do it.

She's wondering if she's in the wrong:

AITA for not getting the tattoo with them? Also, WIBTA if I don't split the inheritance equally with them (I already gave them some, but they want more)?

The people of Reddit agree that she should probably split the cash with her sisters.

Usrname52 says she's in the wrong:

You were right about it being a stupid reason to do it. Especially if it meant your brothers got all the money. And your grandma is ridiculous.

But they were mad at you WHEN they found out you didn't do it? So you promised...they went and got it done, and you didn't? No 'Hey, I thought about it, and I really don't want a tattoo. Maybe we can make some agreement to share some of the money with sister.'

They continued:

You knew they'd be disinherited and you'd get significantly more money. You shouldn't be guilted or coerced into getting a tattoo that you aren't 100% sure about. But this was about the money to you. If it weren't, you could have just told your grandma to disinherit you.

JustaTurdOutThere says it succinctly:

You took advantage of your grandma's bats*** views on women to steal inheritance from your siblings.

OhHeyImAlex thinks everyone sucks in this situation.

your grandma sucks, you suck, and your family sucks. The only fair thing to do is split it equally between everyone. If you chose to keep it, go for it - but is the money more important that your family? If so - you’d be the biggest a**hole of all.

badb-crow agrees:

You're not obligated to get a tattoo if you don't want one but you shouldn't have told your sister's you would, and it really comes off like you did this just for the money. Your grandmother is the biggest a**hole here, though. Imagine cutting your grandchildren out of your will because they own their bodies and do what they want with them.

So there you go. In this case, the grandma's will should not be followed.

Also, their bodies, their choice!

Sources: Reddit
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