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Man asks if he's wrong for 'guessing what' every time wife asks; she's annoyed.

Man asks if he's wrong for 'guessing what' every time wife asks; she's annoyed.


"AITA for always guessing when my wife asks me to guess?"

My wife and I have been married for a while and every since we got married, she tends to ask me a “guess what!” question whenever something crazy or funny happens.

I have always been very literal and grew up with my dad who was a lawyer and mother who worked in the engineering field, so I have always been held to a high standard when communicating with people.

That is not super relevant, but what is relevant is that whenever I was asked a question I was expected to reply with an answer that was well thought out or my best guess if I did not know the exact answer. Fast forward to me now, I am happily married and although we have our fights, I am secure and happy in our relationship and my wife has communicated to me that she feels the same.

But every time she has asked me a guess what! question, I think through where she is, what she had planned for the day and what we are planning on doing later and respond with a guess, and unfortunately, I am usually spot on, or very close, in my guesses and it makes her upset.

She showed me several articles online about how to respond to someone when they ask you, guess what!, and it is usually to say, what?, and get excited. I like guessing though, and enjoy thinking through the problem and getting the thing she is talking about without her having to tell me out right.

She says that I’m the AH for this, but I want to see what you guys think, am I the AH?

Here's what people had to say:

seeker7628 writes:

this entire post is so dramatic. it’s not that you don’t understand how to respond to ‘guess what’, it’s that you don’t WANT to respond that way. blah blah blah about you being a literal person and your parents occupations.

yeah YTA, your wife has communicated that something is bothering her that’s super easy for you to fix and instead of fixing it you log into reddit and go on a rant about how you can’t say “what?” because of your upbringing. grow up.

theassholethrowawa writes:

Isn't the easy fix to stop saying guess what?

She could skip those two words and just say what she had to say and instead of telling her husband how to respond. That sounds a tad bit controlling does it not.

tesyaa writes:

She’s behaving consistently with social norms.

meestah_spawkles writes:

Chicken butt, whenever I’m asked guess what? the answer is always, chicken butt.

tryoracle writes:

I guess outrageous things then we laugh and continue on with life.

Sources: Reddit
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