me (27M) and my wife (26F), recently had a baby a little while ago [my baby is 10 months soon 11].
my wife was taking a nap and i had the responsibility of watching the baby. so i was. i was sitting on the floor with her, our daughter, and she was playing and she tried to stand up.
i encouraged her and she stood her own. she started walking, taking her first steps, and i started clapping and congratulating her. i stood up and picked her up and spun us around and my wife woke up and came in and asked what was going on.
when i told her what happened she called me an a&^hole for not waiting for her to be awake to encourage our daughter to start walking. aita?
Material_Pace1703 writes:
You are an AH. You will always be one. You should have pushed your daughter down and told her to wait for mom. Babies should know to schedule their firsts so mom will see it. To hell with Dad.
sethishungry OP responded:
yes I know I'm terrible and I'm so sorry. 😔
TheWalrusTalkss said:
NTA. You poor bastard.
sethishungry OP responded:
Psych0matt says:
You should’ve scheduled it for when she wasn’t taking a nap!
sethishungry OP responded:
You're right. Trying to plan the perfect apology now.😔
warp-and-woof says:
'You snooze, you lose.' NTA
sethishungry OP responded:
DarthDaddy2020 says:
NTA. As a father of five, I can tell you there will be plenty of 'firsts' to go around. Some you miss, some you don't. I get the impression this is a first child, so just wait until the first word comes out. I kind of wonder how she'll react if (more when) that first word is da/dada/dad because it's much easier to say (and other sciency nonsense). I hope for your sake her head doesn't explode!
sethishungry OP responded:
me too. 😔